
Do Catholics know that they could help the Jews?

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Someone told me that the Messiah as according to Jewish prophecy, would have a Davidic line and carry on the kingdom with his offspring. What about the Davinci Code suggesting that Mary Magdelene was possibly pregnant and Jesus did father a child? Couldn't this prove and not disprove the messiah? He was human until death anyway. THen he became immortal.




  1. >>What about the Davinci Code suggesting that Mary Magdelene was possibly pregnant and Jesus did father a child?...He was human until death anyway. THen he became immortal.<<

    Well, considering that is totally contrary to Catholic teachings, no.

  2. If I may clarify :)

    It doesn't make any difference to Judaism whether Jesus had one child or 17! Jesus was not our messiah for one simple reason:

    He did not fulfill the Jewish prophecies *before* he died.

    In the Tanakh, our bible, it details how we will recognise our messiah. And it makes it clear that the Jewish messiah MUST fulfill ALL our prophecies. But since our messiah will NOT be divine, and he will just be a normal human with ONE lifetime, then clearly, Jesus was not our messiah.

    The Jewish messiah will usher in *world peace* before he dies.

    Did Jesus do that?


    Ergo: not our messiah :)

  3. The Davinci Code is a fabrication.  It is fiction presented as fact.  There has been real research done, and it has been proven that Mary Magdellan never had children.

    Jesus had a duo nature, human and divine.  He died for the sins that all of us make on a daily basis, so that there will no longer need to be bloody sacrifices for your sins to be forgiven.  Now, just because He died in atonement for our sins, does not mean that we can do whatever we feel like, and go to heaven.  The duo nature is what makes Him immortal.  He is after all the Lord Incarnate.  What more do you want from our doctrine?

  4. Unfortunately, motion pictures are not considered reliable archeological records, especially not re-enactments.  Do we assume that the assertions made by Dr. Robert Langdon were actually made by Langdon, Tom Hanks, Dan Brown or Ron Howard?

  5. Jesus Christ was FULLY God and FULLY man. God died to forgive us our sins and show us how much He loves us. Plain and simple. Both the Jews and Catholics agree Jesus had no kids. He is God. He was man and God, Jesus chose to die for us, he didn't have to but chose to.  

  6. answer: the book is fiction taken from other fiction books.  

    2)  It's questionable if Jesus was from the line of David or not so his offspring would be questionable.

    3) the Jews don't recognize Jesus as a messiah and aren't likely to recognize a fantasy descendant of Jesus.

    DaVinci wasn't a leader of the Privy.  The princess of the European line didn't exist (the authors of the Blood and Chalice made that up) - there is no unbroken line.

  7. Hello,

    This DaVinci Code is all SCI -FI. Also there was a good article on " Digging For The Truth " where some DNA samples were taken from Aramaic people living in the Holy land and contrasted it with some DNA from the bones of one of the Merovingian Queens in France and there is absolutely no connection.


    Michael Kelly

  8. You're not really going to take a fictional book seriously, are you?  I mean, Dan Brown even SAYS it's fictional!

  9. The Davinci code has been utterly debunked by *secular* sources. It was based on a hoax perpetrated by a known embezzler and anti-semite. This fraud was believed by a couple of guys who wrote "Holy Blood, Holy Grail" and has been debunked by, for example, 60 minutes.

    Here's an article about it --- from a totally secular source --- if you're interested in reading the story.

  10. Jews don't say that Jesus had no kids.

    Judaism has no opinion about Jesus at all.  Our messianic prophecies say that when the Messiah comes he will start a new dynasty, and his son will be the next leader of Israel, after his father - so even if Jesus had a son, the fact that no one knows about it or who he was would be more proof that he didn't fulfill the prophecy, not less.  Honestly, if Jesus was a rabbi (as Christians claim) then it would have been unheard of for him not to be married with children - while the Christian Bible seems to say that he was not particularly Torah observant in general, marriage and a family were prerequisites for being taken seriously as a Jewish leader, so his remaining single would have been a strike against him even as an ordinary Jew.

    BTW, according to Jewish tradition, whoever the Messiah will be, he won't be immortal.  He won't die for our sins.  And he won't be divine in any way.  All of that is Christian doctrine.  So while it's fine for you to believe all thses things - after all, it's your religion - there really is no scenario in which Jews who understand the Tanach would ever see Jesus as our Messiah.  He may have done all sorts of awesome things - that's between you and him - but he didn't do what we were promised the Messiah will do.  And that alone is a sign that he wasn't the one.

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