
Do Cats and Ferrets get along?

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Just tell me simply, do cats and ferrets get along for the most part, or will my cat try to eat it?




  1. No they do not.

    We've had many ferrets over the years. Cats think they are easy prey.. but the ferret is used to hunting bigger prey than a cat.

    They are not a good combination as a general rule/

  2. Im sure it always depends on the animals pesonality, but my ferret can hold his own and loves playing with our 3 cats, he even chases down the great dane. They are tougher than you'd think but of course supervise them.

  3. when i got a ferret i thought my cat would bite him but they actually get along. but you have to be careful cause sometimes they will be playing and the cat wil get annoyed by the ferret and he will hit him with his paw. and he bit him like 4 times before. but for hte most part they get along but once in a while they will fight.  

  4. When I brought Casey home (ferret) I set the carrier down in the kitchen floor to let the three cats take a good look at him. They were all interested, and he was jumping up and down on the front of the carrier door to get out at them.

    When they seemed ok with him, I opened up the door. He made a kamakazi death run AT them all, and every cat (all adults) scattered to different rooms, totally outrunning the ferret.  He bounced around and was disappointed but went over and tipped over their food and water bowls just to keep busy......Get non-spill kinds if you do get a ferret.

    The cats figured out fast that he couldn't get UP on furniture as fast as they could, and he learned that jumping at them got him swatted (though he didn't seem to mind that either).  Since he wasn't acting like a prey animal, they never were aggressive with him, he instigated all interactions.

    They eventually got pretty tolerant of him but they always hated it when he rooted his face into their belly fur andwould leave in disgust for a different room.  Make sure the ferret is contained for most of the day to avoid really cranky cats from going after yours--the ferret will pester continually till something happens.

    Ferrets do need at least 2 hours out of the cage per day,for exercise, but you can get them distracted with a cardboard box full of packing peanuts and an old bathtowel, with holes in the box for them to pop in and out. It makes for a good play area.

    Mine never bit at mine or got too angry, they prefered to avoid him.  There's plenty of cat/ferret video over on YouTube if you want to see how cats interact with ferrets.

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