
Do China and India enjoy good relations?

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I ask in order to try to improve my worldview.

China does seem to have some interest in the Kashmir situation. I'm not trying to arbitrate for either India or Pakistan here. Rather, I'm thinking the Chinese may be tempted to swallow Kashmir up.

Am I right or wrong?

Also: With similar size populations, and growing economies as well as being nuclear powers, will tensions arise, or is this nonsense?

I would appreciate genuine views of the people of the Indian sub continent here, and would be grateful for any information summing the aims of each country up.

Please submit your views.




  1. Right now china is just trying to commercially exploit the world at this moment. Whatever problems US markets are facing are mainly because of stiff competition for China. And Chinese products are flooding all markets. Once China is able to make other countries dependent they are then going to make a killing. I would like to give a small example. Our country imports a chemical which is very useful in dying textile yarns and fabrics, due to Olympics at China, they stopped export of this chemical and you won't believe the markets went haywire over here. All the processes related to this chemical have seen an impact of 50% plus and all the fabrics in our country have seen a minimum 20% increase in price. So this is just tip of an iceberg we all are sure to see many more problems in days to come. They have perfectly named there foreign policy as One China Policy which literally means in future everything will be only in China..... provided God permits  

  2. Some portion of eastern states like Arunachal Pradesh is already under Chinese control now...Obviously Chinese would be keen on what is going on in Kashmir..

    But China is far ahead of India in technology,economy and power. Their foreign policy is more strict than India.(Consider the situation in Tibet now!!!!!!!!)..I saw a recent survey wherein 25% of Chinese considers Indians as enemies.

    India needs to be careful with Chinese or they will swallow us up

  3. Being an indian, i believe that china works on divide and rule. He supports pakistan because he is looking some more piece of land of indian territory. INDIA is a no.1 competitor  of china because indian economy is going stronger, it is producing lots of software engineers and doctors and exports software engineering to overseas. English speaking majority is vast in comparison to china. Both r nuke power countries, and USA India Nuke deal is one another tension for china.    One main thing i will clear to all the people that Kashmir is aN integral part of INDIA, and after Kargil War,  Indian government is now committed that they will not tolerate any influence related to Kashmir. There is a bunch of some people in kashmir, who r exploiting Kashmirs to quite india, but one thing is true that Kashmirs has a future with india, Rather than connected with pakistan or china.  They should teach there youths and send them to indian universities.  When they educated, the thinking will change and they will think to change there state and developed there state rather than thinking to make there own country....

  4. China wants not only India's land it wants (needs) all over its strong presence. They will be fututre cololises in africa-the way they are grabing economical benifits there.

    You should not surprise that in kashmir militancy their hand also there(thats what they are doing in some african states also).

    By disturbing India and its economy,China gets its hurdle to become supepower cleared......They can shake hand with India with a black heart inside..Hope you understand all.

  5. They have become the (2) top consumer countries of the world...Al Gore hates you he and Obama will try to tax you for carbon emissions.

  6. Thank you first of all

    I think man is the own who has unlimited wants no matter it's india or china both like to take or capture each others belongings

    yes if china or india  get an opportunity they will do there best to swallow kashmir

    population here no matter it's good to have more population as the man power as well as income to the country will be more

    in nuclear powers india stands for ''ATOM FOR PEACE'' policy not for harmful purpose

    iam a indian

    see india incredible india

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