
Do Chinese eat babies?

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I heard that they do multiple times. I asked my Chinese friend and she said no, but then I heard from a Korean that use to live in China that they do. I am confused. Do they eat babies????????????




  1. No, only puppies

  2. I've heard before that for example: if a women was going to have a abby but she had a natural abbortion, chinese people do eat the babies! I don't kno if it's true or not but i think it's quite disgusting!

  3. no relation to Language section

    post it in Travel -- China

  4. Given the utter lack of evidence, I think we can safely say that the Chinese as a people, including the Taiwanese and those living on the mainland, do not eat human babies. Neither, for that matter, do Jews, Christians, witches, aborigines, Gypsies, Satanists, or any of the other groups accused of this heinous custom over the centuries. There is simply no proof that such a practice exists, or has ever existed, anywhere. What the historical record shows is that the accusation has surfaced time and time again as an ethnic or religious slur with no basis in fact.

    The claim that baby eating is an accepted practice in China (or Thailand, Japan, Korea, or Israel, etc.) is essentially a modern version of an ancient form of bigotry known as "blood libel" -- one group accusing another of murdering infants in ritual sacrifices. According to the Greeks, the Jews did it; according to the Romans, the Christians did it; according to the Christians, it really was the Jews who did it; and so on down through history.

    Sociologists say the driving forces behind such prejudices are ignorance, xenophobia (fear of foreigners), and psychological projection (attributing the perceived moral failings of one's own culture to another). As an example of the latter, it has been speculated that the spread of horror stories in the West about the supposed use of unborn babies as food in Asia may be fueled by qualms about practices closer to home, such abortion and the so-called "cannibalization" of fetal tissue for scientific research.  

  5. Graphic images

    I don't believe it, I think it is all photoshoped or some trickery. Maybe some people do but not all Chinese people.

    People will say s@@t about others to make em look bad but still.

    I don't want to believe it and I won't

    I saw a documentary and I threw up. Then for that week I didn't wan to see anyone come near my child.

  6. uhm no ..

    thats a myth .

    they eat cats and dogs.

    well some do.

    im not tryina stereotype.

  7. cannibalism as form of diet is taboo (prohibited action-object) in every society. acts of socially accepted cannibalism appear as part of cultish-religious activities.

    any way chinese do not eat babies...

  8. who doesnt? lol jk i dont think they eat babies, but they do eat dogs, cats, donkeys and pretty much any other animal.

  9. Yes, That is why they don't have an illegal immigration problem.

  10. Oh is that so?.. i eally dont know.. i think it was j*p not Chi.. kinda confused too, sorry. xD!

  11. no. it's not true

  12. Perhaps, but they're hungry again in about an hour.

  13. Is there limit to superstition and the length people will go to overcome these? True or not, nothing surprises me any more. Is it any different to myths about eating oysters, heart, brains or tactical in other parts of the world? How about tigers body parts, sea horses, snakes or Rhino horn?

  14. I think that everyone have different cultures and they do different thins in each culture. when asking this question see if you can answer it for yourself. Do you eat babies? Good Luck.

  15. no but I saw this movie once where this woman performed abortions and used the fetuses to prolong her life

  16. No.

    My grandpa is Chinese and he has never heard of such a thing.  I saw a youtube video about some Chinese person eating their baby, but I'm guessing that guy was psychotic or something.  Your friend is lying to you...seriously, who'd ever eat BABIES? It's gross!  

  17. no  

  18. NO....

    chinese eat everything ecept the human beings.


  19. I believe that was on the news a while ago, the Chinese eat everything so it wouldn't surprise me.  

  20. Lol. Brings me back to high school English and A Modest Proposal... But honestly, I don't think so. Not unless they were starving or something. But then again, I'm sure anyone from any racial background would eat a baby if they were starving to death. I know I would.

    As for the dog thing, dog is a delicacy. It's not like the average person goes around eating it. According to one of my Korean friends, it can only be found in fancy restaurants. Or maybe, once more, poor people eat them to keep from starving. *Shrugs*. It's just meat...

  21. No. Every person on this planet is capible of empathy. Would you eat a child? Would you eat a baby?

    Perhaps in a rare circumstance, such as starvation, this situation could occur. But no Chinese person is going to give birth to a child and then elect to eat it.  

    As for cats and dogs. They are now against it. Yes, they USED to eat it. In fact, more Koreans eat dog than the Chinese do. In Korea, it's called Gaegogi.  It's been illegal to sell dog meat in Korea since 1984, however that doesn't mean it doesn't happen.  In fact, during the 1988 Olympics held in South Korea, Koreans were addressed not to eat dog to avoid bad publicity.

    This doesn't occur in Japan at all. Japanese may eat raw whale, shark, and other types of fish, but they don't eat cats, dogs, or rats.

    I think you should look into this more to settle it for yourself.

    Babies aren't eaten in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, etc.  

  22. i'm chinese and i seriously tell u it' not true.

    don't be so naive.

    after watching <hostel>,can u believe there is really someone doing those things?

    besedes,one can not stand for one million.

  23. Overpopulation is a b i t c h...

  24. Simply answered: No they don't  

  25. No, they do eat dogs and cats, which is quite nasty. But, it is considered a delicacy. I love dogs, but not to eat. Eating people is considered to be canibalism, which is when people eat people.

  26. There are cannibalistic psychopaths in every country and fortunately for the rest of us, they're very rare. China is no exception.

  27. Yes and no.

    The urban myth arose because of some faked photos of babies being cooked in a frying pan and you'll find them if you search.

    However, I saw a documentary on the cultural revolution.  When people were starving, apparently they swapped their baby for their neighbour's baby so each family could eat one without it being their own. I don't know how true this is, but I assume documentaries are researched.
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