
Do Christians, Jews, and Muslims really worship the same God ?

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i here some Christians saying they don't worship the Muslim God, while others are saying they all worship the same God so which is its




  1. Answering you as best as I can seeing I am of none of the three Faiths and I even know that they are all Abrahamic Lineage of faith, that have a difference on who is a saviour, messiah and such.  I could go on forever about the differences but they all stem back to Abraham period. That is a historical fact wether you wish to believe in God or not or Gods, historically the facts cleary state they are all of Abraham.

    I hope that helps answer your question.

  2. Is it this point of contact to which the Qur’an was perhaps referring when it stated: “And you will find that the closest in affection to those who believe [Muslims] are those who say, ‘We are Christians’, for among them are priests and monks, and they are not arrogant” (Qur’an 5:82).When Christians hear Muslims being called to prayer, they should be happy, for it is their God who is going to be worshipped and served, says Jesuit Father Tom Michel

    The one God to whom we submit our lives wants all, Christian and Muslim, to reject arrogance and to come before him together, so that God can govern our societies according to his will.

  3. NO. WE DO NOT!!! Why would we worship a(false) god from another religion? muslims worship allah. We worship the Lord Jesus Christ.

  4. YHVH

  5. The Jewish and Muslim both worship the same God. However the Christians worship Jesus whom the Jews and Muslims neither of which accept as the messiah

  6. Any Christian who says they don't worship the same God as the Muslims or the Jews is a complete idiot.

    We differ with them on the divinity of Christ, so it logically follows that we differ with them on how one becomes "right" with God.

    It is most certainly the same Abrahamic God.

  7. Well, since all three say their source is Abraham, then they all must worship the same God that Abraham did.

  8. Depends on your belief.. I tend to think all religions point to the same GOD..

  9. I say yes but I have heard people say no.  All 3 religions call Abraham God's friend and we all know Abraham had 1 god so if he is our God's friend he has to be the same God right?

    *Apostle Jeff: do you know that Christians in the middle east call God Allah?

  10. If you're a montheist you will believe that God always existed. But all three religions disagree in how He is worshipped and some go so far as to say the the *other religions* worship a pagan God simply because they don't agree or don't understand the other religions.

    Islam is the only religion being that it is the baby of all faiths that acknowledge all three faiths and all of it's prophets and messengers and all three books, the Taurat(torah), Bible(injeel) and the Quran, the final revelation from God.

    you would not be a true muslim if you did not acknowledge them all. The only difference is that these books with the exception of the Quran became corrupted there is still truth in them. It was promised from God that the Quran would not be corrupted.

    So yes we do worship the same God.

  11. Allah sent Moses [ peace be upon him ] with judaism and Pentateuch wiche was distorted by Allah sent Jesus [ Peace be upon him ] with Christianty and the bible wiche also was distorted by Christians and they worshiped the prophet ( Jesus ) not the one God Jesus worshiped ( Allah ).then Allah sent Muhammad [ peace be upon him ] with Islam and The Holy Quran wiche will not be distorted because Allah keeps it away from distorting because it is the Last book from Allah.I hope i helped.

  12. there is no "muslims god"

    there is god.

    thats it and the christians who say that are idiots.

    some are misguided blabbing fools.

    but some are okay.

    they all worship the SAME god but in different ways

  13. We do not worship the same God because Allah wants me dead. I worship the Holy God of Israel and Yahushua is His Son.

  14. In Christianity we believe in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. (Cults believe differently, but still call themselves Christians)

    Allah is not Jesus, the Father or the Holy Spirit. Allah is not a father period.

    The Jews don't believe Jesus Christ to be God.

    Therefore we don't worship the same God.

  15. i think everyone believe in GOd,worship him in different way.

  16. I believe so.

  17. God as described by The Bible is the one true God.

  18. We as Christians worship The Triune God!!  (Jesus IS God and He will also be The Judge as well!!)  The Father said if you don't accept My Son, you don't accept Me!  (Jesus IS The Way, The Truth and The Life!)

  19. No, The God of the Jews and God of the Christians are one in the same, Jesus is His only begotten son.  He has never told us to kill everyone who does not believe our way.  The God of the Jews and of the Christians is named Hashem, Jehovah, Adonai, El Shaddai, Eluhynue, Elohim, Yweh.  He has many names, Allah is not among them.    

  20. They all worship the One True God, but they have differing opinions as to what He's like.

  21. I am a christian muslim is out of the question they belive in like 6 gods or somethin like that.  okay so us christian believe in God and Jesus Christ, the son of God.  Jewish people are Gods chosen people.  This is not a belief not an oppinion but a fact not written down on paper or nothin but a thing you can feel in your heart like love you cant prove love and neither can a scientist but you know that love is there.  not the piece of paper!

          God Bless!

  22. they worship the same God

  23. Catholics (POPE) says he worships Allah, same as the president and other so-called Christians.

    Allah who is NOT the Father, Allah, the god who says Jesus is  NOT saviour is NOT THE GOD OF CHRISTIANS  

  24. Peace and blessings be upon you.

    All of people worship the God who created them , and who created jews , created christians , created muslims ,and all people before and after them.

    So , he is one God.

    The God in bible said he sent moses as he sent jesus and also other prophets , and also in Koran ,the God said that he sent ,jesus ,moses and other prophets and they are all the same prophets as Mohammed.

    so ,we have to believe in the God and all his prophets.

  25. Absolutely Not!!!!!

    the Koran says to kill the infidel...GOD says that you must love your neighbor as yourself.

    JESUS said I am the way the truth and the life, no-one will see the kingdom unless through HIM!!!! And there is so much more but you won't know unless you investigate for yourselves.

  26. Yeah, the same God. Even the Hindus. Same one God.  

  27. Jews and Christians do but their view of the Trinity is different.  Other than the Messianic Jews that believe Jesus was the Messiah, most Jews are still waiting for the Messiah.

    Read the Bible and Qu'ran for yourself, on-line or from the library I have.... that's why I know the Muslim Allah is not the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Jesus!

    The biggest difference is that the Muslims reject the Trinity and Jesus as Savior and Son of God contrary to what the early witnesses wrote in the Bible.

    Let's get down to the meat of it here, Muslims will tell you that the Qu'ran is the correct source for information on Jesus and God so let's look at it from their side first even though the Bible was written within a few years of Jesus' death by witnesses of his life and his resurrection!

    Islamic Research Foundation

    I will skip to his conclusions ...


    CONCLUSION - by Dr. Zakir Naik

    (a) If Christian is a person who follows the teachings of Christ (pbuh) and not one who worships Christ (pbuh). (We are more Christian than the Christians themselves).

    (b) Muslim is a person who submits his will to Allah.

    Jesus (pbuh) said, "not my will but thy will be done." i.e. Muslim.

    John 5:30


    In the same John 5 that Dr. Naik picked one verse from.

    43 I have come in my Father's name, and you do not accept me; but if someone else comes in his own name, you will accept him.

    John 20 is obviously rejected too..

    28 Thomas said to him, "My Lord and my God!"


    31 But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.

    Islam obviously rejects the words of Jesus in these passages in John 3 :14 thru 19

    16"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

    17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

    18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son.

    Now 4 questions to think about....

    1) If Jesus was a great prophet and predicted his own death how come the Qu'ran says he didn't die on the cross?

    Matthew 16:21

    From that time on Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, chief priests and teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life.

    2) The witnesses say that Jesus died and then rose again and there are hundreds of early copies of the texts and they all agree. James, Jesus's brother, didn't believe until after the resurrection and Saul when he saw Jesus went from persecuting Christianity and gave up power and preached Jesus as Messiah and even changed his name to Paul. Did God create a lie and why would he if it would create a false religion?

    The Case for the real Jesus - Lee Strobel

    3) The Bible says that all have fallen short and salvation comes through faith in God and Jesus as Lord and repentance, while the Qu'ran says that man is basically good. Given the empirical evidence in today's newspaper which is true?

    Lostness of Man - Ravi Zacharias

    4) The Muslim will tell you Jesus was only for the Jews but Jesus said:

    Matthew 28

    18Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.

    19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,


    John 14:6

    Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me"

    So should we put our faith in the one that can save or the one Muslims keep asking Allah to have mercy on his soul?

    May you find the solid rock.


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