Can "Christian help" exist without an agenda?
We know that Christians convert. This is pretty factual, it is mandated into the Christian Dogma. That is not my question here.
My question is that if Christians are so hellbent on saving the 'soul' of a stranger, say me, a g*y man, for example. That the lifetime of persecution that I have felt, guised in the sense of 'helping'. That this is always for the better good, who's good I question, but none the less.
If this is truly the nature of the Christian, to help all who have lost their way. Do Christians ever think about helping the people who actually need their help. Like that dozens of homeless who line the streets on any city block. Are these people not at a larger risk here.
I mean I may be a g*y man, but I have two university degrees and make a good 5 figures a year. Why am I always the target when people are literally starving to death outside your front door?