
Do Christians hate Satan because it is a symbol of individualism?

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As the essence of Christianity is based upon the sublimation of the individual human spirit into becoming "like-Christ" which by necessity implies rejecting any kind of individuality ( the condemnation of homosexuality is a good example of this), is Satan feared because it is actually a symbol of all that is individual and self-empowered?

Does Satan strike horror into the hearts of the conformists because it is a symbol of defiant individualism?




  1. In all honesty, Christians hate anything that doesn't have a cross stamped on it (metaphorically). They especially hate Satan though, because the bible tells them that he is evil. The bible says Satan is evil, however, because the authors do not want anyone finding out the truth about Satan and leaving Christianity, lest they lose the great and awful foothold they have over so many unfortunate peoples lives.

  2. Christians hate Satan because he symbolises rebellion, individuality and defiance. What all religions want is compliance and obedience, if you follow the example of satan, that is to be ambitious and headstrong and not content to be mastered, then you are a bad bad bad person and people should lock you up and ban you from public office.

  3. Defiant individuals were always the first ones hung on the gallows. If you think it's cool to die just because you want to be needlessly "different" and "defiant", go for it.

    Individualism never built a nation; it only tears them apart.

  4. Satan is evil yet God kills babies, mass-murders many, is responsible for genocide and all-sorts, also to blame for many disasters and also wanted to keep people from knowledge

    I forget sometimes who's evil  

  5. You have it all wrong.  Satan is a symbol of all that is evil, Ms. w***e.

  6. Becoming more Christ-like does not mean rejecting ANY kind of individuality, but only rejecting those parts of our natures which do not conform to the example set by Christ. However, the Bible also makes it clear that each individual has different gifts and abilities granted to us by God (see 1 Cor 12:1-11), and we are unique individuals in His eyes. We are to reject the sinful parts of our natures so that the Godly parts can fully develop. We believe that homosexual intercourse is a sin; we do not believe Christians should avoid it because of concerns of "individuality."

    In reality, Christianity calls on us to be the best and most perfect individual that we can be. Through Christ, we can come closer to fulfilling our most perfect selves, a process which will reach fruition only after death. Satan embodies the world and the temptations of the world. We loathe Satan because he represents greed, anger, malice, jealousy, hedonism, narcissism, selfishness, and destruction.

    You hit the nail on the head when you said that Satan represents "defiant" individualism. Satan represents defying the will of God. But really, how free, and how much of an "individual" are you if all you do is try to avoid the will of God, in which process you become a slave to the desires of the world and the flesh? How individual are you if your "individuality" is defined solely as how much you rebel against an authority?


    "Is "evil" not the eye of the beholder? It could be argued that evil actions are individualistic actions."

    Yes. Evil actions, by and large, stem from a warped sense of individuality that really approaches narcissism. People commit evil acts because they believe they are the most important person in the world, and that their desires and happiness are all that matter. They think of themselves and only themselves. Do you think that kind of individuality is a good thing?

  7. Yes they are blind to the body as the enlightenment of spirit, know nothing of true marriage and worship a false God, this of course they will deny......all of them. ; )

    "Gnostic Christians maintained that the "light" Lucifer brought was true enlightenment, which He gave humanity against God's will, as Prometheus stole the fire of heaven to bring civilization to mankind against the will of Zeus. God denied Adam and Eve the fruit of the tree of knowledge, desiring to keep them ignorant; but Lucifer, in the form of the serpent, gave them the "light" of wisdom.

    He became the Prince of the Power of the Air (Ephesians2:2) who threw his lightning bolts at church towers. He wielded the trident which, in Eastern symbolism is a triple lightning-phallus destined to fertilize the Triple Goddess. In Tantric Hindu symbology, He is the bindu, the spark that ignites the sacred serpent and awakens the kundalini."  

  8. The w***e of babylon....No not exactly... Being like Christ and being Christ are two entirely different things. God's intentions are for us to take on the image of his son. But he is not in the business of making robots that all look the same. At least not in the way you are suggesting.  Those who are being conformed to the image of his son may have the same attributes of love , joy peace, gentleness and so on. But have other personality traits that make them clearly distinct from one another. I may be a geek type Christian while another guy might be more of a sports jock or social out going butterfly. These would all still be Christians reflecting Christ while at the same time maintaining their individual personality that make them unique ..

  9. satan has always stood for human qualities.

    lust, greed, pride, and more.....those are all human traits. they are inherent in all of us. satan is a caricature of a christians fear of themselves.

    from the beginning though he always had thier best interests at heart.

    god wanted to keep them ignorant in the garden, satan freed thier minds.


  10. Actually, while I understand where you're coming from, I would have to respectfully disagree.

    I don't think that the "essence of Christianity is based upon the sublimation of the individual human spirit into becoming "like-Christ" which by necessity implies rejecting any kind of individuality" - I view the essence of Christianity as the expanding of consciousness in order to become more "like-Christ" and by so doing embracing individuality in all. That's what Christ did. The main message of Jesus was to be tolerant and loving of all people, especially the ones that are different.

    I think the idea of Satan is one that makes a easy excuse for people to blame unfortunate and less than loving human behaviour. And I also think that it simplifies a person's belief structure if they can throw all the "different" others into a category and align them with something that's "not like me" and therefor evil. If by believing in a Satan I can elevate myself, I am more easily convinced that my actions are closer to God than those of others - in that case I can excuse my separatist behaviour and make it appear as holy or enlightened.

    It's the belief in evil that makes individualism a bad thing. A true belief in Christ would be accepting of individualism.

    That's just the way I see it.

    Thanks for your very interesting question.  

  11. Your theory that the essence of Christianity is a "rejection of individuality" is indeed false.  That is nonsense.

    Satan is a deceiver, an attacker, and an evil being.

    I don't know where you got that ridiculous notion.  We don't fear him at all.

    Your hate is showing, friend.

  12. I hope not. I'm really a nice guy when you get to know me.

  13. Without the Devil Christianity would be a bummer...!!!  Actually, all because Christians hardly read their Bible to know who the real Devil is!

    Job 9:23 (NIV) When a scourge brings sudden death, God* (*NOT SATAN, but God!) mocks the despair of the INNOCENT.

    Job 9:17 (NIV) He* (*God… NOT SATAN, but God!) would crush me with a storm and multiply my wounds FOR NO REASON.

    Lamentations 3:37-38 (KJV) Who is he that saith, and it cometh to pass, when the Lord commandeth it not? OUT OF THE MOUTH OF THE MOST HIGH PROCEEDETH NOT EVIL AND GOOD*? (*Preachers lie, they say that “God is GOOD”, but not firstly EVIL…(read it again! FIRST: EVIL… and then “good” as a teaser!)

    Exodus 4:11 (NIV) The Lord said to him, “Who gave man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or mute? Who gives him sight or makes him blind? Is it not I, the Lord? (Isn’t the Bible God so nice to tell us so we don’t have to blame the Devil all the time?)

    Amos 3:6 (KJV) Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be EVIL in a city, and the lord hath not done it?

    Proverbs 16:4 (NIV)  The LORD hath made all things for himself: yea, EVEN THE WICKED* (*The Devil or is it any compassionate human being who doesn’t believe in God?) FOR THE DAY OF EVIL. (No Heathen religion in the Western World is as wicked as the Bible religion! I don’t even want to talk about Islam! Christians made up in their minds what Christianity ought to be in spite of what’s written in the Bible!)

    Ruth 1:20-21 (NIV) “Don't call me Naomi,” she told them. “Call me Mara, because the Almighty has made my life very bitter. I went away full, but the Lord has brought me back empty. Why call me Naomi? The Lord has afflicted me; the Almighty* (*NOT SATAN, but God!) has brought misfortune upon me.”

    Proverbs 1:26-28 (NIV) I* (*God NOT SATAN, but God!)  in turn will laugh at your disaster; I WILL MOCK WHEN CALAMITY OVERTAKES YOU* (*God is taking advantage of any calamity like a forthcoming California Earthquake to convey a “message” that some Christians don’t get!) - when calamity overtakes you like a storm, when disaster sweeps over you like a whirlwind, when distress and trouble overwhelm you. Then they will call to me but I will not answer; they will look for me but will not find me.

    Jeremiah 11: 14 "Do not pray for this people nor offer any plea or petition for them, BECAUSE I* (*God) WILL NOT LISTEN WHEN THEY CALL TO ME IN THE TIME OF THEIR DISTRESS*. (Nothing scares primitive religious people more than the idea that their God doesn’t listen to them!  It still works today! The Christian idea that this whimsical God always listens to them is wishful hoping that the chances are just right that God will answer on the spot, otherwise he will POSITIVELY answer, but later on or never! It is just like praying to a stick or a rock or any other more benevolent God and getting the SAME IDENTICAL RESULT!)  

    Romans 9:11-15   Yet, before the twins were born or had done anything good or bad–in order that God's purpose in election might stand: not by works but by him who calls–she was told, “The older will serve the younger.” Just as it is written: “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.”  What then shall we say? IS GOD UNJUST? NOT AT ALL!* (*Saint Paul says so… because he is telling you!)  For he says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.”* (*the Christian clergy preaches you all the opposite that God is no respecter of persons when he is on record to be that way!)

    Malachi 1:4  (NIV) Edom* (*Esau) may say, "Though we have been crushed, we will rebuild the ruins."  But this is what the LORD Almighty says: "They may build, but I will demolish. They will be called the Wicked Land, A PEOPLE ALWAYS UNDER THE WRATH OF THE LORD* (*How would you like to be one of them? No FREE WILL FOR YOU! NO Salvation, either! God doesn’t like you for ever just for the heck of it!)

    Isaiah 45:7 (KJV) I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and CREATE EVIL: I the LORD* (*NOT SATAN) do all these things.

    Job 42:11 (KJV) Then came there unto him all his brethren, and all his sisters, and all they that had been of his acquaintance before, and did eat bread with him in his house: and they bemoaned him, and comforted him over ALL THE EVIL that the LORD* (*NOT SATAN!) had brought upon him:* (*God had a plan to have ALL of Job’s children slaughtered! He gave Job some new ones later on after all that… Isn’t God so wonderful?! Life is so cheap as far as the Bible God goes!)

    When was the last time that a Christian blamed God for any of his/her misfortune? I bet they only credit Satan for their misfortunes!  No wonder that the only way to pacify this whimsical sadistic God is by sacrificing his “Only Begotten” son in human form… after he was properly beaten to a pulp and tenderized then thoroughly marinated in Roman spit, and crucified as a “spotless Lamb of God!” How religiously primitive can you still get in today’s society…? Now Christians delightfully snack on this God’s Roman spit flavored meat and drink his Holy blood for “salvation” (John 6:53).   Europe is waking up of the Dark Ages far ahead of us here in America! I guess that Religions will still be in effect until our IQ, common sense and self esteem improve to a decent level… Hey, are we still evolving, or what?  The Bible writers were very silly to credit their idea of a God with so much EVIL when they could have done a better job blaming the Devil all along…! They would have kept me fooled to this day, too!

  14. no



  15. i think all religions have the "good vs evil" element. its an old old OLD story.

    we are SUPPOSED to hate the badguy...we are taught forms of this from the cradle

  16. Christians do not fear satan. Christians have the Holy Spirit dweling in them. Satan fears us because of this. Satan is not symbolic of anything. He really exist and is whole purpose is to usurp power from God so that people will worship him instead of God.

  17. NO! satan is the devil! he's evil...isnt that a good enough reason to hate him

  18. We hate Satan because Satan hates us and wants all humans dead.

  19. my knowledge, no. Being Christ-like does not immediately imply rejecting sorts of individuality. To be Christian about it, Christ doesn't "REJECT" anybody, and so for the Christian to reject any group, individual, or any positive or neutral mentality, he is not being very Christ-like.

    Satan strikes horror into the hearts of fundamentalists. And, according to the Christian belief, he is more (and in a way, less) than a mere symbol, but simply a rival of God.

    The rival, if you will.

    Christians are instructed to place mistrust in the Devil because of many things. There is no where in the Bible, the sole word of God, that tells any congregation of Christian to fear the devil because he is, when deconstructed, a representative of individualism.

    So...while some might CHOOSE hate satan because "HE" is a symbol of individualism, this is not why they cannot side with "HIM". God has many, many, many reasons for believers and non-believers alike to stray away from the Devil, and concealed symbolism was not one of them.

    To my way of thinking. :)

  20. Christians hate Satan because he is the symbol of evil in their religion, as well as many other religions.  Not so they can condemn g**s.  Nice try.  Try not directing your hate towards an entire people and culture... like fundamentalist, over-zealous christians do towards homosexuals.

  21. yeah.. I'm going with evil.. oops I'm a conformist and not

    an individual :-)  I'm kidding

    Your thoughts hold merit outside of reverting it back to Satan, I think.

  22. We Christians should not fear Satan because we have the Holy Spirit living within us, which is so much more powerful than Satan. We hate Satan because he is the opposite of everything God stands for, he is God's enemy, and there is no better reason than that.

  23. It is possible the serpent in the Garden is God, and YHVH is a rogue, evil God trying to usurp power from the others. (Elohim/plural)  

  24. basis on which you claim that satan is symbol of individualism is not very strong. There can be evil in both individualism and collectivism. One such example is socialism.

    And I like your nickname

    and yes, I am not christian.

  25. Satan symbolizes being outside of God. People have Free Will and do good things in line with the 10 commandments and the 11th commandment from Jesus to love one another. But the greatest horror of Christians is to be away from God for eternity. h**l is no God. Free Will means that each of us is empowered to live a life as each sees fit.

    Life is good. Most people are wonderful. I don't condemn anyone. Faith is a personal issue. My faith allows me to see the glass half full.

    Take care,

    A Roman Catholic

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