
Do Christians think of harming the environment as a "sin"?

by Guest64659  |  earlier

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Driving gas-guzzling vehicles, wasting our resources, not recycling, contributing to the harm toward future generations on this planet.... do Christians typically consider these things a "sin"?




  1. I used to be a Christian, and the prevailing attitude I witnessed (and possessed) was that the world falling apart is good sign because it marks the end of times and the second coming of Christ.  It doesn't matter if we mess up this world, because it will be destroyed during Armageddon, and a New Jerusalem will be created for the Christians to live in with Christ.  Just watch the 700 Club sometime.  You'll get the idea.  They freaking celebrate natural disasters!  It's sick!

  2. well besides a boot in the *** . why dont you go to church and find out. thats like me when I dont attend an AA meeting asking someone who was there. get your c**p togeather ya nut!

  3. Not at all.  Have you ever seen a preacher, pastor, or reverend that did not drive a gas guzzling, overpriced, flashy vehicle.  Cadillacs or Lincolns mainly.  Most churches simply are there to make money.  Our churches in the midwest have Starbucks and giftshops I mean does anyone else think that is ridiculous.  I want to put my bills in the collection plate and ask the church to help me pay them wouldn't that be the same thing.  Or instead of the collection plate can I just make the check out to Jesus H. Christ?

  4. I would guess not because God put plants and animals here for, I quote, "meat". Therefore natural resources were probably intended for man to utilize.

  5. Does the bible specifically say that harming the environment is a  Sins are those things done in relation to God and other men.

    However, as a christian for 30+ years there is no way that I could responsibly harm the planet.

    Reasons why?

    1.  The bible does say that men were given dominion over the earth and to act as its stewards.  When someone gives you stewardship over something it is not to ruin it beyond recognition but to take good care of it and utilize it in a responsible manner.

    2.  Gluttony and greed are considered to be sins.  Driving a gas guzzler could certainly be considered gluttony.  Greed and wanting more and more is the basis of consumerism and a tremendous amount of waste.

    As a Christian I am pretty sad to think of what God was say if he came back to see what's happened to the world.  To use an analogy.  Think of God as a father who left the house to a teenage son and said "enjoy the house and take good care of it".  Then he comes home to find out that the son had a huge party and totally trashed the house leaving it in a state beyond repair.  The father would still love the son, but he would sure be cheesed off that the house was wrecked.

  6. It would be a blatant sin if it was done with intent to do harm, yet there are sins of omission, not doing what one knows is right.

  7. True Christians want to win souls, the bible says this world will pass a way but the lords word will endure forever. This world is not made to survive; mens hearts are full of evil. The world is about power and greed; true Christians are looking to save souls not the environment.

  8. If it's down maliciously then anything can be a sin.

  9. Hmm..I'm a christian, I've felt convicted to recycle and waste nothing as a good steward of the earth. My experience with other christians is that most are politically conservative and  traditionally that doesn't include a lot of "green" folk.  Frankly, I think they were scared to identify with "them liberals".  But I'm seeing more and more groups and ads encouraging christians to care for the earth.  

    There will always be all kinds of attitudes. The Body of Christ is made up of many members - kind of like cells of the body all having their own purpose, perspectives and priorities. That's what I like about being a christian. I'm don't have to fit into any boxes! What is sin for one may be different for another. It depends on whether the Lord has, in christianese, laid it on our heart or convicted us about it.

    Thanks for the compelling question!

  10. No, something has to be way more fun to be a sin. ;-)

  11. mo in fact they use alot of gasoline they it infact is not a sin to hurt the inviroment but it is a shame that humans do it

  12. The true definition of the word sin in the bible is to "miss the mark" (like in archery).  God has given us responsibility over the animals, birds, earth etc.  He states that we have been given talents and if we use them wisely then we will be rewarded.  God is found in all the splendor and majesty of nature.  The true goal is to walk closely with God and to do His will and as a christian I feel that God wants us to be good stewards over everything that He has given us and that includes the Earth and everything in it.  God tells us that if we do His will on Earth that we will be rewarded in Heaven.  God also lets us have the consequence of our "sin" or bad choices and pollution, waste, etc is a bad choice.  Christianity is a matter of choosing to follow God's words and I truly believe He would want us to make the right choice and not harm our environment.

  13. not yet we are working on that

    also we would like to sacrifice enemies of the planet to the gods ,every full moon ,

    to combat overpopulation and to fertilize the lands destroyed by monocultures and overgrazing

    what do you think ???

    can we put you down AS a yes

  14. No...because they consider this earth a THING....not an entity with a souls and spirit.  

    "Christians" have no more respect and love for this planet than they do about the truth of Jesus's words (the few words written that certain churches allowed to be used).

    BTW Jesus was not a christian.  Christian churches teach that man has dominion over the land and animals; forget what the word really meant....To the churches it meant "use  it all up, rape it, poison it, kill it, bomb it".  Their excuse is...well Gahhhhhhd is gonna destroy it anyway.  That is not so.  Gahhhhhhd illedgedly stated that the world will be changed from the way WE KNOW it....not destroyed.

    I keep praying for more lovers of Jesus who actually STUDY (more than the KJV)to show themselves approved (meaning full with knowledge in Greek, Latin and Hebrew).

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