
Do Churchill's words about the RAF apply to the Tibetan Olympic Torch protests?

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"Never before in the history of human conflict has so much been done for so many by so few!"

The devastating (for China) publicity this handful of people have generated and the attention it has drawn to an almost forgotten situation must rank as one of the most effective protests since the Boston Tea Party!




  1. Yes!

  2. There should also be protests by the starving millions in Dafur..the victims of atrocity in Burma and in Zimbabwe..all despicable bankrupt regimes propped up by Chinese expansionist imperialism. In their own country political/religious dissidents are routinely imprisoned, tortured and executed. China should never have been given the privilege of holding these olympics..The only gold medal that belongs to the PRC is for atrocity and the total denial of human rights. To those who would argue otherwise..consider..what would be your prospects and fate be within China to enact free speech or dissent or even liberal discussion?

  3. Yeah even though the U.S. government in 1945 I believe, decreed it would help any nation fight against communism, but where's the army? In the Middle East...close, but not quite there!

  4. no no no

  5. Not even close, in my opinion, to your misquote. There is no conflict like Germany at war with England, being kept across the  channel by Fighter Command.

    What about the guy standing in front of the tank in Tinamein Square a few years ago? One guy, putting his life on the line.

    The fact is that China, supposedly  Communist, is actually an oligarchy, whose rulers don't give a tinker's d**n about their countrymen, and don't care about protests, either.



  6. not two weeks it will all be forgotten......lots more things to worry about are coming recession!!

  7. Wow!  Good call!

  8. Tibet is part of China!

    How the Chinese deal with their peoples is up to them!

    Now lets leave other countries to sort out their differences, the west is not the policeman of the world!

    Instead of protesting, why not go to Tibet, get into an army uniform and fight the Chinese?

    Mmmm..thought you wouldn`t like that idea!  Too dangerous for your human rights stand!!!!!

  9. Power to there elbow . When a brutal oligarchical society like China is given the Honor of the Olympic games then we know that money and trade takes precedence over human rights and truth . and when that happens we are all shamed and dishonoured

  10. No, you've misquoted him!

    ''Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few''

    But yes you can argue that the small, oppressed Tibetan population owes a big debt of gratitude to those around the world making their plight well-known.

  11. I hardly thinking the struggle to maintain the rights and privileges of a cast of monks in a feudal society in one of the least developed countires in the world compares with the struggle against fascism which resulted in 50.000.000 deaths - but then, you probably get all your information off American TV.  Good luck with the latest capitalist crisis and lost war.  The media'll have to come up with something else to distract people's attention

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