
Do Colone cleaners really work?

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Okay so ive been trying to find out if the colone detoxers actually work... i heard u can lose 15 pounds by just doing it... is it true? has anyone tried anything?




  1. Yes and no. The main purpose of colon cleaners is for detoxification, not for weight loss. Although, due to the method/regiment on how you do the colon detox, it is natural that you lose 5 to 10 pounds. Some have lost as much as 15 pounds, but these weight losses are not permanent.

    What I recommend instead. You can do a colon cleanse if you can stick with the 4-6 week long regiment, and switch to a healthy diet and lifestyle to lose the weight. Colon cleanse can help jump start that since it's usually difficult for most people to keep up the long regiment. Shorter cleanses like 3 days or 7 days are usually garbage and doesn't work.

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