
Do Cons have an issue that the US' major export is death and destruction?

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Through Arms Sales... 60% of all arms sold in the world comes from the US.




  1. Sure

    Many of the Countries we destroyed are not paying their bills. Weapons stock is falling and NeoCons are looking to other way of making money.

    I think there is a good potential for profit in growing Ethanol in 3rd world Nations. We can Change traditional subsistence Farming into non food production allowing the vigorous use of Chemical assistance to grow 2 Corn crops per year.

  2. Not as long as they live and work for companies such as Blackwater, Halliburton, and a multitude of other business in investment for war profiteering; headed by lobbyist with an ear to our Congressmen.  

  3. That's a big part of it,

    but another major asset they are trying to achieve

    is to triangulate more military bases for strategic control

    to strong-arm more oil-rich countries that have weaker

    arms than the U.S. -- use CIA undercover weapons sales

    dealers to set them up with tempting weapons deals and

    frame them to utilise U.N. regulations for the purpose of

    getting international permission to invade and install U.S.

    friendly puppet regimes to further their imperial conquest

    of middle east domination -- but only to benefit big corporate

    empires while taxing the middle class for generations to fund it.

  4. yep your going to kill us all , nice legacy  

  5. No, it's become a major export for the USA.  Money, money, money that's all they care about.  They make money of all the wars in this world as well as letting our boys blow up armaments that our middle class has to pay for.  For people invested in arms manufacturer like McCain war is a windfall of money.

  6. 'Would it make you feel any better, little girl, if they was pushed out of windows?'

    - Archie Bunker, 1973.

  7. So you believe the world would be a better place if we hadn't gotten rid of Saddam or Hitler?

  8. Yeah they do. Their issue is that liberals and other leftist troublemakers continue to raise questions undermining their profits. Undermining a perfect business opportunity all for values like humanity, that makes many conservatives shake their head in disaprovement

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