
Do Conservatives LACK the intelligence to understand a different point of view?

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If American were mother, then here is the difference.


"mommy you are perfect, and why does uncle joe come to the house when daddy is not home? oh. can i play hide the sausage too?"


"mom, don't do that c**p to dad. i love you mom, but if you continue to cheat on dad, then don't expect me to take part in it."




  1. I sure think they do, but even before we had political parties, George Washington warned us against have parties for fear of dividing our nation

  2. You have the audacity to lecture us about stereotypes after statements like those? Now there's hypocrisy for you!

    There are plenty of conservatives who are more intelligent than you; and who understand you better than you understand them.

  3. Conservative: "I disagree with what you have to say but I will fight to the death to protect your right to say it."

    Liberal: "I disagree with what you have to say so I will declare that disagreeing with me is a hate crime and work to suppress and demonize other points of view."

  4. LOL love the way you phrased your short.....yes!!!

  5. Conservative:

    "Mommy I am glad I'm being raised in a traditional family where you can stay home and dad sits down to dinner with us every night".


    "Mom.  You better get Susie out of here before step dad comes home.  Oh...did you get that abortion on the way home from your "Save the Trees Rally"?

    I consider myself a liberal but I do not judge and make stereotypes.  My quotations above were to show you how ridiculous yours sounded.

  6. Personally, I think both sides do way too much stereotyping. I'm a conservative, but I don't go around ragging on the liberals. We all have our opinions on how things should be down. But what I can't understand is why the people of Amerian seem so preoccupied with fighting amongst themselves that they can't sit down and figure out what to do with the country!!!

    PS: 60% of Americans believe that both the Republicans and Democrats are failing.

  7. A conservative not only has the intelligence to look at issues from all angles they are able to comprehend and work them through to a logical solution.

  8. Is there only one type of conservative?

    I'm pro g*y marriage, pro-choice, pro state's rights, anti-war, and want spending low.  What's that make me?

  9. No. I believe that, like a broken watch,  a left-winger can be right twice a day.

  10. Liberals toss out ideas to change things, hoping some will constitute progress.  Conservatives want to slow change down so as to work out potential problems.  I know which philosophy I think requires more intelligence.

  11. My highly intellectual conservative mind perceives that you look at life through the eyes of a child critical only of Mommy!

    This is fairly typical of liberals for the last ten to fifteen years seeming to think that cheating is only cheating when done by the female gender, and not the male. After all Clinton was only doing what men do, right?

    How about substituting:


    "Why does Daddy go to the Oval Office when Mommy leaves? Can Aunt Monica play hide the sausage with me too?"

    "Yea, Dad!!! Mom's a witch! That must have been some wild ride! It really is OK, Dad. I understand you just needed a little extracurricular activity since you have the hardest job in the world and nobody can expect you to be the Pope!"

    I understand this in that most liberals really do wish they had a Daddy more like Bill.


    "Dad, you have embarrassed the whole family with your sexual indiscretions. You really are not worthy of leading this family anymore. You are supposed to be the head of the household, representing the moral foundation upon which this household stands. But, there is no morality in you! If you can't lead your own family, how can you run anything?"

    P.S. DesertViking,

    Not if the watch is set to military time!

    P.S. Average American,

    This is not an analogy on the family or relationships, but an analogy of liberal and conservative ideology for America!

  12. Why do liberals make generalizations like this? Liberals are the most closed minded people I know--almost as closed minded as Fundamentalists. The difference is that Fundies admit it and libbies insist that their open to any ideas--so long as it goes along with what they already think.

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