
Do Cows and Horses get cold in freezing weather and do the sweat and lose weight in hot weather?

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Do Cows and Horses get cold in freezing weather and do the sweat and lose weight in hot weather?




  1. They are warm-blooded mammals and cold and freezing weather does affect them.

  2. I just got finished taking an animal science class and yes cows and horses can get cold in cold weather it is called cold stress and it is possible for an animal to die if it gets too cold in cold stress they don't eat or drink as much as much so for cows you want to increase roughage because cows produce heat when they ferment grass in their rumen horses do not have a rumen but have a cecum that acts similarly to a rumen and and allows for digestion of grasses and helps keep the animal warm.  Just as animals can go into cold stress they can experience heat stress if they are allowed to get to hot you are in more danger of loosing an animal in heat stress than cold stress.  Cows can loose weight in hot weather because they are having to use more energy to regulate their body temperature.  Animal can gain or lose heat thru 4 ways Conduction Convection Radiation, and Evaporation.  I hope this helps.

  3. yes animals, including horses and cow, do get cold

    horses are fitted with blankets in winter when kept at stables.

    i know my dog shivers when it's cold outside. big baby lol

    not sure if they lose weight in the summer.

    i know horses sweat, not sure about cows

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