
Do Cows eat meat ??

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Also can cows have hay fever




  1. No they eat grass and small plants

    Part of the problem is political and economical, but a lot of it is based in biochemistry. The infectious agent that causes Mad Cow Disease isn't easy to characterize or destroy. Plus, is can be hard to sort through all of the different acronyms used for the scientific and medical terms

  2. cows dont eat meat because cows are habiverous animals they mainly leave on grass, millets corn etc and cow mad disease is cause by little germs as a result of that cows get mad cow disease not as a result of eating meat.

  3. They occasionally eat humans...but that's just to get their own back.  Re the second part of your question, when did you last hear a cow sneeze?

  4. cows eat grass, not meat

  5. cows are herbivores so they don't eat meat

  6. They got if from the bones in their feed

  7. Cows are ruminant herbivores and don't eat meat, and  Zora is correct in the source of initial contamination, but its been illegal to feed cattle with any animal based products since 1997 after the discovery of BSE.

  8. only chicken kebabs

  9. yes cows eat the insects and all its not like they have a choice of plucking them off or not eating the grass,they also eat what ever they are given..i was watching a documentary about cows and sqeeze your stomach and pre pare for this comment...they are even fed the dead animals that die on the farm, i saw a cow eating a dead animal on the documentary, soon the they'll just produce a cow with no legs its quicker to kill them with no limbs,the chickens were packed together so tigght they started eating one another to make room, if a dead chick did that their dinner..mad cow diseas i think is formed from unsanitary unsafe procedures of slaughtering from the equipment to how they slaughter and store the animanl, to how they feed them if its all done with unclean food equipment the cows probably get sick then that tainted meat is sold to us who chomp down on it at fancy restauraunts it sick the entire thing is sick and thats why I'm a vegetarian for life...

  10. no they dont for both

  11. They do get fed on meat products by humans, yes.

    There's some places in the world where grazing is so bad that the cattle get fed fish by-products as it's the only locally available feed. The downside is that their milk then starts tasting of fish. Yuk!

    EDIT: ......And who are the idiots giving thumbs-down for the accurate answer that cows are indeed fed on animal products? Some people astonish me!

  12. It a natural setting, no, but in a factory farm situation they are fed meal which probably includes animal parts.

    The whole catalyst behind Mad Cow Disease was supposedly cow brains in their feed.

  13. Cows may eat the occasional bug but their ruminant system is not capable of digesting meat as "meat".

    They can eat food pellets that contain meat. But this is highly unnatural.

    Mad cow disease, or (BSE) ( Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy ) causes the brain of a cow to degenerate - it looses its firm structure and collapes - it also happens to the spinal cord.

    It spread through cattle because they used to be fed food made with Cattle remains. Its believed the Uk cattle contracted it by foods made in the far east. No one yet knows the actual origin of the disease and i don't think the sheep/scrapie link has been confirmed.

    It incubates for 4 years, and thats why it spread so suddenly - it spread throughout the herds without anyone knowing.

    Hay fever ?? Doubt it, the dust can be an irritant, but thats different to an alergy.

    "brainyandy" needs to visit a farm, of course cows sneeze


    "zainab gangaali" needs to talk to the scientific community immediately - it seems "zainab gangaali" knows more than they do !!

  14. They do if you put it in their feed.  This is how BSE came about.

  15. they dont choose to eat meat but it  is fed to them by farmers putting animal remains into cattle food. i believe that was the cause of mad cow disease when infected sheep remains were fed to cattle.

  16. yes they do

  17. Cows are herbivores until some farmer feeds them sheep brains, that's where mad cow disease came from, if the cows had been left to eat their herbivore diet as nature intended that would not have happened.

    Cows cannot get hayfever and neither do they eat the insects.

  18. They are herbivores!


    Human can prevent eating other creatures intentionally.

  20. the probably do eat some insects, but not meat

  21. No they dont eat meat. But sad that we make beef out of them. Must avoid non-veg in life by just thinking that killing of animals is bad and what if we were also to be killed. EEEEEW... So sad. God help!

  22. 1) cows ingest insects, but not intentionally, just like you do in your food (yes its sorta gross, law alows a certain number of insect parts per pound)

    2) cows can have allergic reactions, much like most other species

    3) Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (in humans) or bovine spongiform encephalopathy is caused by prions (think smaller and less complete than virus) usually caused by consuming infected tissue, in cows their feed, for humans organ meat, poor butchering, blood or bone marrow  transfusion.  

  23. No cows do not naturally eat meat.  They may get the odd insect in there I suppose, but they do not naturally eat other animals.  

    However, that does not mean to say that in the artificial world of agribusiness, that parts of other animals are not fed to cows to supplement their protein intake.  It was the feeding of dead sheep's brains to cows that led to Mad Cow Disease.

    Some of the sheep's brains that were fed to the cows had a disease called scrapie.  The proteins from this disease behaved in such a way that when they got to the cow's brains, it caused the MCD, otherwise known as Bovine Spongiform Encephalitis, or BSE.  The brains of the cows were slowly destroyed and made them look like sponges when the cow was dissected.  

    It is thought that if you ate the meat or nervous tissue from an infected cow, you could get a human form of the disease known as Crusfelt-Jakob Disease or CJD.  That was why certain cuts of meat where banned in Britain for a while, to avoid people consuming any part of the nervous system of the cow.  

    Cows don't want to eat meat, they eat grass, hay and grains, but modern farmers are only interested in making a profit, and these foods are, and are getting, more expensive.   With more and more farmers turning their backs on organic methods of farming, it is only a matter of time before Mad Cow Disease rears it's ugly head again.

    As for whether they get hay fever, I don't know.

  24. Yes cows regularly eat meat as in just about every time they calve. They will eat the placenta if they are allowed to.  I have also occasionally seen some chewing on a dead animal if they find it.  I do not think they get hay fever but they do sneeze.  

  25. cows probably swallow insects, but it isnt part of their diet, and i wouldnt class them as Meat. Dunno about the hayfever thing.
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