
Do Cows have seprate "holes" or is everything is just one..?

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Reason I ask is I see them testing if a cow is pregnant by putting their arm in "back door". Plus, I can't find the info ANYWHERE.




  1. Julie S is right. Cows have a separate a**s, urethra and v****a, just like humans, and by inserting his/her arm into the cow's a**s, a vet can feel the developing embryo inside her womb. It would not be a good idea to test for pregnancy by inserting something into the v****a - this could cause infection or even miscarriage.

  2. Theres two, a r****m and a v****a

  3. How old are you? The next time you see 'them', why don't you just go and ask, I'm sure 'they' will be happy to do a little 'Show and tell'

  4. Cows are female mammals just like you.

    They have the same "holes" that you do.

  5. I'm pretty sure they have 3 holes just like other females.

    It just seems like it's the cow's bum because the way it stands.

  6. actually, they are seperate and is what they are doing is putting their arm in their a**s and they can feel through the wall. When a farmer artificially impregnates a cow, they feel the same way for her ovaries.

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