
Do Crest white strips really work?

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How long does it take to see results?

What are other ways to get white teeth?

What is the best product to whiten teeth with?

Does it evenly whiten your teeth?

Does it leave you with spots?

Is it worth your money?

Anything else i should know about teeth whitening?




  1. I used the strips last year and finished the box.

    My teeth got whiter =)

    But in order for them to work, you need to follow the instructions on the box. You put the strips on twice a day (i put them on in the morning and night) and it's best to do so after you've brushed your teeth.

    When you put them on, you can't swallow your saliva so yeah.. it's best to spit. The process isn't very comfortable but it's only for half an hour (i think.)

    Keep in mind that the strips will weaken your teeth because it is damaging a layer of your teeth.

  2. OK..To Begin with their are no drug store tooth whitening products that can match the precise tooth whitening your dentist can achieve through the special techniques he or she has at their disposal....As for over the counter tooth whitening products I'll add to this response the results of a recent test of tooth whitening products...Look the test over and then you decide..Good look and I wish you well.

    A Recent survey and tests of various Tooth Whitening Products was conducted and the results are below. The products was given a rating of between "0" and (5) Stars..."5 stars" being the best...I have listed them in order of their test results:

    (1) Celebrity s**y Teeth......*****

    (2) Brite Smile....................****

    (3) Go Smile......................***

    (4) ZOOM..........................**

    (5) Crest Whitestrips Premium Plus..**

    (6) Crest Whitestrips Supreme..........."0"

    (7) Crest Original Whitening Strips....."0"

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