
Do Cuban people have Internet access?

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Do Cuban people have Internet access?




  1. Yes, and they have for years.

    I visited a family in Cuba in 1997 and their son gave me his Yahoo email address which he was able to check through his university.

    Of course, like most devoping nations, the majority of the people don't have great access to the net.

  2. many have illegal hookups. if they work in tourism or for the government they have access but many sites are blocked. but many student have illegal hookups.

  3. Yes , but the access is limited , to a few places like the Capitolio in Havana . They can go to a " internet " cafe , but there they have only access to the "intranet" , this is fitered internet ,where  they can only send and receive messages.

    The real internet is expensive 6 cuc (7-8 $) an hour.

    Some Cubans use the internet at their work ( hotels, hospitals, universities etc). Private internet at home is only for foreigners and party members.


  4. Interesting question.  Certainly not the majority as they are very poor.  The continued US embargo also might make it more difficult and more expensive.  I also wonder if the Cuban government would want the influx of American propaganda and lies flooding the country.

    For ten years now the UN has reached the verdict that the US embargo is wrong.  But, as usual, the US rogue nation denies Cuba its rightful place in the world and continues to occupy Guantanamo  Bay.

  5. I was born in Cuba. The only way to have internet in there is to somehow "steal" it from the government. There are no companies that offer internet access. That regime is based on misinforming the population so whats the point of offering the door to all the information in the world.

    By stealing it from the government I mean that there are places where there is an intranet, like hospitals. They give passwords to certain employees in these places so only they can access it. But then these people give the passwords to their families, and friends etc. It's an eternal battle against the bullsh!t nonsensical system. These things sounds so stupid to us because they are absurd in a democracy. Thats why many foreigners refuse to believe that they happen.

    By the way, I am still waiting for a friend of mine that lives in Havana to reply to my e-mail. He has to go to his aunt's house and pray that the connection is working.

  6. Yes, they do, and cellphones as well

  7. I gues they do but the access is limited nad the restrictions are a lot

  8. Thanks to Castro and his legacy, most of us have nothing, except our dreams.

  9. Any student who attends the University of Havana has had access to the internet for a while now.  Basically, the internet is in the schools and public places.

  10. No

  11. if they just got cellphones I pretty much doubt it...

  12. Access to the internet is restricted in Cuba. Cyber cafes, tourists and government officials are the ones with access to the internet. Anyone in Cuba that does have the internet get it illegally by stealing someone elses internet connection. The governemnt keeps very close tap to who has access, for they don't want to allow any outside "propaganda" to infiltrate the Cuban people.

  13. the quik and the easy:  

    "The average Cuban does not have personal access to the Internet for a variety of reasons, including cost, access restrictions, and inadequate Internet infrastructure. There are more than 18,000 Cuban-based web pages available on the Internet, of which these pages receive over 15 million hits per week. There are four Cuban Internet Service Providers (ISPs) providing various forms of Internet access and several other ISPs that provide restricted access to a national Intranet web. However, only one ISP, CENIAI, provides personal Internet access to Cuban citizens."

    pretty dam slow.  see how fast this university of havana site loads in,

  14. There is not internet in Cuba,we have intranet,it's totaly different.

  15. YES,  there is. It is expensive and slow.  Due to the embargo by the United States.

  16. They have INTRANET (restricted sites) and their post office has computers for E-MAIL.

  17. Yes, Cuban people have internet access and they also have cellphones, as somene else mentioned that they do not. True, not everyone has internet access at home because of how expensive it is, but they can get it through internet cafes all throughout Cuba (as well at their workplaces depending on their jobs).

    I have been in contact with Cuban friends via the internet, those of whom have access through their work and those who need to go to an internet cafe for it.

  18. Yes, most do not but  I have been in touch with a lady in Varadero who uses a Cyber cafe so it is possible.

  19. Not many of them do.......after all a few lucky favored people just received microwaves!  They have 20 year payment plans for them.....the place is a bit backward thanks to Fidel.

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