
Do DV laws ignore DV against children?

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The largest group of perpetrators of violence is by mothers against children. Why is this ignored? Just because children don't have a vote and can't lobby government doesn't mean we should not address this issue.

Or is it that the feminists prevent any criticism of women no matter how justified?




  1. I'm all for better rights for men and better rights for children, but I'm cynical of the results of these studies because it's obvious that most single parents are mothers rather than fathers, so naturally it's logical that more mothers will be abusive because of sheer numbers.

    If the situation was reversed with more single dads, to the same extent as what there are single mothers, how exactly would the stats reflect this?  You cannot tell me that there are no men who don't abuse their children.

    Work out the number of hours in care, then the abuse from either parent, work out the average and then you will have a proper and accurate statistic.

    Women may not be perfect, but you MRA's are trying to villify us.

    Edit- 2:1?  Does this factor in time spent with the children?

  2. The answer is obvious.

    Feminists cannot permit for people to realise that women are as abusive as men. If that means allowing children to be assaulted without repercussions.

    It's the same over and over, whenever women are doing wrong, feminists will sweep it under the carpet.

  3. Well, I know when my kids were little, especially when they were toddlers, they did fall a lot, and always had bruises on them, and a few times they had serious accidents on the playground. Once my daughter fell from the top of a jungle gym and landed directly on top of her head. These types of things do happen. You can only protect your children so much without taking away their right to live altogether. I agree with the woman who said statistics are inaccurrate. Unless you've been a single parent that spends every waking moment chasing after a child, you shouldn't be so quick to judge. Raising children isn't an easy task, especially when your doing it alone, and it isn't hard to understand why some people have a difficult time maintaining their sanity 100% of the time. ;-)

  4. Because our so called "equal Government and Justice system" rarely ever believes a mother could possibly ever be abusive to their children in any other way besides neglect.

    Have you ever noticed how difficult it can be for a good father to obtain custody of their children in cases that do not involve the mother being a drug addict?

  5. Wierd, you post an article going on about the importance of determining real abuse from accidents (in order to stop abuse cases going unmissed) then say more mothers are abusers than fathers. Wrong article? This one only mentions "parents" not "mothers". One study I found stated that most known perpertrators were male (mostly fathers and live-in boyfriends (71.2% - posibly due to the greater rate of abuse between unrelated adults and children and the fact mothers tend to get custody?...) so you assertion that mothers are the largest abusive group is not undebated (obviously, this is based on known abusers, the whole "dark figure" in crime again). (Oh, and this was child deaths, not all abuse, which may again affect the figures somewhat. Maybe women are more likley to neglect and men more likely to be violent?)

    Child abuse should definately be discussed, and better ways of detecting it discovered. And we should ensure this by speaking for them. But I find your attempt to tie it to your personal dislike of feminism morally reprehensible and exploitative.

  6. women typically spend more time with their children. therefore, there will be more cases of mothers hurting their children.

    i think that most laws were made for children. for example, child support. you know, that thing you all go mad over?

    evil people abuse their kids, not just mothers.

    oh, and how is the article you posted suppose to show me how mothers are so abusive? it's just about children being abused by their PARENTS, not mothers.

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