
Do DVD copies play on the Internet?

by  |  earlier

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I have received copies of old family pictures on DVD, but they are failing to play. Do you think a Store could sort them out for me.

Thanks for your help.




  1. yes

  2. hI, You want to play picture dvd's on your pc.

    When you insert your dvd on your pc, a pop up should appear giving you options to open, play or explore.

    You should choose explore and review each pic files inside dvd.

    If you dont get popup, you should double click My computer and then double click on your dvd drive that you inserted the dvd to play. if the drive can open the dvd and you can see the files on the dvd, then you can watch the pictures, if you dont see anything on the dvd then it mean, dvd has been copied wrongly.

    If your drive plays any other dvd then your drive is working fine.

    You could try same dvd's either in a friend home or in an Internet Cafe to see if these dvd discs actually works and whether or not they may be faulty.

  3. i think so  

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