
Do Democrats actually believe in what they say?

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(This is only about taxes and budget)

I mean, liberals propose that the rich should pay even more in taxes than they already do. This makes no sense. The rich get no government benefits and taxes serve as a disincentive to work hard. I think liberals only say what they do to appease the masses.

Also, why should the upper class pay more to support lower class women to have even more babies that they cannot afford?

Maybe im too immature since im 14 but i still don't understand. Someone please explain this.





  1. I am a fiscal conservative (low tax, balanced budget, no national debt) Republican voting for Obama.

    First, America has progressive income tax laws, and has had for a long, long time.  Progressive income tax means everyone pays the same on the first few dollars of income but, if you are fortunate to earn more, you pay a higher rate on the marginal dollars earned.

    Bush pushed through tax cut giveaways, benefiting the rich, without cutting spending.  This, some call voodoo economics, caused the deficit and debt to increase.  Had Bush not done this, and had he funded Iraq/Afghanistan, we would not have a ballooning debt.

    The rich get the most government benefits.  In addition to tax credits for certain activities, they get the benefit of earning millions in a free country.  The general public helps pay for infrastructure (roads, railroads, bridges, etc) that the rich use to assist in their businesses.  Virtually all infrastructure is paid for by taxes.

    Lower classes rarely want to have more babies.  Raising 5 kids on welfare is h**l.  The question is why Republicans neocons insist on anti-abortion laws, given that studies show that abortion reduces crime and allows individuals to succeed.  

    You say you are 14; please consider listening to sources other than Fox News and the RNC.  They are not your friends, in fact, they are financially invested in keeping you hating and uneducated.

    Good luck.

  2. The rich do NOT pay "MORE" taxes.Most people who make WORK and make less than 25k a year pay out about 33% of their income in taxes, social security etc.

    Figure up an 8$ an hr. job @ 40 hrs. a week deduct 33% from it and that's what these people LIVE On.

    REMEMBER Ross Perot?

    The Texas BILLIONAIRE who ran for office back in the early 90's

    ?They said He only paid 6% in taxes.

    Should it not be the OTHER way around?

    Shouldn't HE be paying the 33% while those making under the poverty line pay only 6%?

    What they mean by the richest people pay the most is this:

    What is more ?33% of 18k?

    or 6% of 200 million?

    THAT is what is meant by the Rich pay the most in Taxes.

    The Rich also get PLENTY of Tax breaks.You buy a race horse,build a place to keep it,it becomes a tax shelter even if you never race it or breed it.Themoney the give to charities(which a documentary said they give less than all the poor combined) is TAX deductible.

    The middle calss pays about 50-60%/Although they STILL take home afr more than people making under 20$ an hr. it is still unfair to them.

    Deduct what the rich pays in taxes and see whopays the most.

    Welfare need to be trashed and redesigned from the ground up.I have seen too many people abusing the system but I do not blame those abusing it,but those our tax dollars PAY to see that it is NOT abused.

    Those are the cold hard facts.

    I think a flat rate of 10% would be just fine for EVERYONE from the dirt porr to the filthy rich.Then jack minimum wage up to 12$ an hr. and THEN and ONLY THEN give a tax break to the companies big enough to cover it.With people making more on minimum wage their will be a higher tax base than at 8$ an hr.The company won't have to pay it out of pocket.

  3. Well since you are only 14 you can't really be expected to have a firm understanding on all the issues.

    The rich should pay more taxes because they have the ability to. There is a drastic difference in the stratification of wealth is this country. The middle class is shrinking and we are starting to end up with very rich people and very poor people. This is not the country we should have. The upper class shouldn't have to support the lower class, but taxes should come from everyone. Those who are able to pay more should. All people should have access to government benefits and the rich do benefit from paying taxes as well.

    I guess that is the fundamental difference between the parties. Republicans feel entitled and think they are above helping their fellow Americans. Democrats still believe in the promise of America...the American dream. Democrats believe in the welfare of the people.

    It's kinda hard to expect people to pull themselves out of poverty when they don't have the resources to do it. Why would a child who is born into poverty deserve less of an education than a child born into wealth? How is the child at fault?

    As a nation we can never become better, become great again if we cannot look out for our brothers.

  4. I believe in tax cuts, but the problem with them is that the republicans that cut taxes don't cut government spending, so the dollar is stretched and the economy goes down. If the republicans lowered spending instead of just saying they're going to lower spending i might believe them. I don't believe anything the two parties say though.

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