
Do Democrats want Obama to be President because he can legally steal from the rich?

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I mean it would sure keep a lot of Democrats out of jail which I can see being a real good reason to vote for Obama.




  1. You're falling into their trap of seeing the economy as comprising fixed classes of rich, middle class and poor - - - as long as tax rates are low and monetary policy is stable, it's much more fluid than that.    The result of a return to 1970s economic policies would be to reduce that fluidity, to render the economy more of the fixed class system that the Democrats often represent it to be.   I don't know if those are intended consequences but those would be the consequences.

  2. sort of, if you consider raising taxes on the rich "stealing." But Republicans like McCain because he gives to the rich and steals more from the poor.

  3. Obama promises change which appeals to most people both Democrats and Republicans.

  4. Obama, offers a change and we do not have other like him. better go and vote for him before the Republicans win and we get to sleep in the street.

  5. Well I don't see any oil drilling Democrat who's supporting the War on Iraq, do you?

  6. I can not think of any reason why some one would think the way a liberal does... Dis arm the law abiding citizens and make prison a country club. Take morals from the homes such as God and install Radical ideas such as feminism and save the world type c**p. Have s*x with no circumstances kill your baby but save a tree.....  Go green they say but they will spit on my green uniform after fighting for there rights to do this c**p....

  7. Psst!  Don't look now, but your fear and racism are showing.

  8. WTF is this question? R U serious?

  9. It's so stupid to think the government is the solution.....

    By the time the bureaucracy does it's thing, they have about ten cents left from every dollar they collect!!

    That's what Democrats refuse to recognize.  They take a dollar, filter it down to a dime, and pretend that they're doing great things!!

    I love the Ronald Reagan quote.  He said the most frightening statement in the world is: "I'm from the government and I'm here to help"!!

  10. Good call on the socialism front.

    Calling a spade a spade.

  11. What Obama isn't telling everyone is that all of our taxes will be going up, not just the rich. The mega rich will still have their trusts, tax shelters, and other methods of paying little to no tax. For the rest of us that earn a paycheck, we are the ones that will pay higher taxes to fund all the social programs for the illegals and people that don't like to work.

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