
Do/Did you enjoy school/college? What was/is the best part?

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This is sorta like a little poll, to see what people like about school...




  1. Seeing my friends often.

  2. i am soo enjoying college. the mature hotties is the best but i also like meeting new people. one can never have too many friends lol. and i like hard me challenge.  

  3. I love school. I love everything about the school. The friends, the excitement, the lesson, and the prom...everything!

    What I don't like, is when I go home, I will fave my parents again...I don't like them.

  4. Access to the girls' locker room. ;)

    Kidding. I just love being with my friends. :D

  5. the freedom that comes with changes your life

  6. I enjoyed school last year

    this year i don't have very good teachers

    and no friends in any of my classes

  7. the first two years of school i hated...bullies i then moved school and then the past 3 have been the best its been fun hanging out with friends and now im on my way to college and i cant wait :D

  8. I like school most of the time because my friends are there, and sometimes I enjoy my subjects.

  9. I hate school.

    I look forward to the last bell.

  10. well i till go too school and i somewhat like it but aleast i see all my friends!

  11. nope. getting laid on campus.  

  12. Hey my first day was so fun! Its my first day of on-line schooling

  13. meeting new people, making new friends, and best yet, knowing i no longer have a curfew! ha ha

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