
Do Different Religions Have Different Effects On The Physical Appearance And Attributes Of It's Followers???

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For example traditionally Jews on the whole tend to be quite skinny, intellectual and literate; Muslims tend to be very healthy and have good bone structures; Christians, also like Muslims tend to be quite strong; Hindus and Buddhists normally have high IQs; Atheists always look like tramps :) (only kidding) I know it is a dumb question but I was just wondering whether or not different religions have different effects on the appearances and physical structures of those that follow.




  1. No religion has little to do with physical appearance. It has to do with genes, who you marry, and what dominant gene you pass on...and where you live...survival of the fittest (Darwins Evolutional theory).

    In India, we have millions of Muslims. If you take there genes and compare it to Hindus..they are identical. The reason being is that many Hindus were forcibly converted into Islam during their reign in India.

    Even the budhist in India have completely different genes when compared to budhist in other parts of Asia. So no, it has nothing to do with religion. Religion is a choice..where as your appearance is hereditary.

  2. Generally no

    However, religions that are rigid and estop inquisitiveness end up leaving their people rather demented -- hence either very well fed or extremely skinny-- as in the semitic religions- Jews and muslims.

  3. your analysis is very wrong and bad, but in fact your question is ok. yes there's a very slight influence in some cases and a great influence on others. some jains live almost totally nude. so i imagine they must have tanner bodies because of their exposure to the sun. a number of muslims believe a man shouldn't shave, so those folk all have beards. the influence is there but it's totally cultural.

    but will you be smarter or stronger? well think about this: if a muslim and a hindu had a kid who associated with both parents' religions would he/she be stronger than a hindu or smarter than a muslim?

  4. Not nearly in the way that you think at all.  Bodily changes are quite shallow, like Jewish boys getting circumsized or the hairstyles people are supposed to wear like tonsures or forelocks.  There are some culturally changed physical appearances that may be tied into religious beliefs, like tattoos.  Female genital mutilation, piercings, extreme and otherwise, tooth filing, neck stretching: all body modifications practised by different cultures.  None of it changes basic skeletal structure or muscle mass, though, except tooth filing.

    There are _traits_ that different religions promote or try to drive out of their flocks.  Jewish people, for instance, have a strong cultural and religious tradition of study and scholarship, so many Jews, particularly the more traditional ones, are quite well-read and erudite.  I have absolutely no idea where you've gotten those other stereotypes, because I don't see them at all, so I can't say where they might have come from.  Do you particularly like Middle Eastern bone structure?  Those are most of the Muslims us Americans see.

  5. The short answer to your question is no, religions do not effect the physical appearance of their followers.

    The examples you mentioned are more about ethnicity than about religion.  Semitic people may tend to be skinny, Arabic people may have good bone structure, Northern Europeans may tend to be of stronger stature.  Some of the other characteristics you mention seem a little more dubious.  Hindus and Buddhists being smart?  It is likely you are equating Indians and Asians and the stereotype of being smart.  This is not necessarily untrue but is more due to cultural emphasis on education and familial and social pressure to perform at a high level and earn a salary capable of supporting your parents.  Other factors may include religious regulations and their effects on the followers.  Muslims and Jews not eating pork could cause lower levels of saturated fat and cholesterol in the diet contributing to good health.  Vegetarianism amongst many Buddhists and Hindus could have similar effects.  These factors may have their basis in religion but it is the diet or other undertaking that has the effect and not the religion itself.  If I meditate (shown to lower stress levels) and ate a vegetarian diet (low in saturated fat and cholesterol) then the same effects can be had regardless of faith.

    Hope this helps!

  6. I'm not sure where you're getting your ethnographic samples from but it seems like you're totally off the mark. More so than religion, the environment people live in has the biggest affect on physical appearance. Jews from Russia look nothing like Jews from Ethiopia. Muslims from the Caucasus are the complete physical opposite from those in Saudi Arabia. Even within the Arab-Muslim world, there's a multitude of genetic variation. As far as Hindus and Buddhists having higher IQs, it seems that you're subscribing to a completely racist notion to promote your own beliefs. Lack of intelligence is a trait common among all people of the world.

  7. no not at all! both me and my partner are Christians by birth, but while my husband is short, stocky and black, I am tall thin and white.

    Islam Christianity and Judaism all have followers from the world over. For example, when you look at the pilgrims who flock to Mecca each year you will see they are every shape size and colour under the sun.

    So your theory is flawed there mate!

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