
Do Dr. usually perform an amino before a planned C-section?

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I had a C-section with my first at 37w3d due to Pre-E but my Dr. did not perform an amino on me to check the baby's lungs beforehand. This time around I have a different Dr. and I'm nervous she'll want to do one beforehand. I really don't want to take the risk? If I reuse it will she still do the C-section or refuse to deliver my baby? She said I'll most likely have it between 38 and 39 weeks. I'm 27 right now. Thanks!!!




  1. I had an amnio done my first child. It is more of a preventive measure for the DR cause of liability reasons. If your DR wants you to have a C-Section early then the baby comes out with un-developed lungs, then it is a potential lawsuit against the DR. It is all based on your DR's preference. He wants to make sure your baby's lungs are developed completely.

    My amnio caused contractions and they had to stop them though cause the lungs ended up not being developed. If you do chose to get it done, I suggest closing your eyes cause the needle is scary looking. Oh yeah, ask for Lidacain to numb the area up a bit.

  2. I am having a c-section next wed and I was told the only way i'd get one is if the dr was thinking of taking her early.  But since she isn't (Though i wish she would have!!) I am not getting one.  

  3. That is not normal. The only time they would do that is if the baby was in trouble and early. There is no reason to do that if your full term.  

  4. im 34wks an im having a planned c-section at 38wks and i am not having an amino before hand, i didnt have one with my first c-section either, and no they cant refuse to give you a c-section especially if you have had one previously...

    also a c-section at 38wks is not considered early..a baby is classed as full term at 37wks..there can be minor probs with the baby of born at 37wks ie wet lung but it is not serious...

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