
Do East Indian Men like Hispanic Women?

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I was just wondering if East Indian Men like Hispanic Women. So do they?




  1. I'm a punjabi guy from london uk, and yes I like hispanic women. i think they are hot and s**y.  They way they talk just drives you crazy.  If i was to rate, i would say Hispanic women are the hottest out of all other including my own indian women. 

  2. Please ignore this idiot (Guest22734736) he is a PSYCHO and if all indian guys are like him then I am better off! But I doubt that all indian guys are like him though...he is crazy he's pissed off at me b/c I didn't reply to his email from ONE day before...obviously he has NO LIFE! If he would have been patient like a normal human being I would have replied. But he decided to react like a MANIAC.  He doesn't know me personally or my true feelings and intentions, therefore he has no right to be spreading all that c**p about me, saying that I'm a racist!  He can ROT in h**l for being such a JERK and an a*****e!!!!!!!!  FYI I have friends from different races and cultures so I don't need to waste my time with someone like this a*****e!

    Ultimately it is up to you as individuals to decide whether to listen to this LOSER or make your owb decisions for yourselves. Thank you!

  3.  There are lots of things which are common in between these two races of man kind. Like there way of living, eating and also the way to work out daily life is almost the same way.

    Their faces resemble to each other so most likely there are chances that an East Indian Men can like Hispanic Women. 

  4.  Yes, they do! My boyfriend is a sweetheart! I had only dated Hispanic guys before him, and I'm really glad I met him. We have soooo many things in common! 

  5.  Salam, im a mexican gal, 30 years, i wish to marry to a Indian or Arabic muslim guy 25-35 years, never married, tall, im reverted to islam, im goodlooking and divorced with two adorable small daughters, im a business woman and im looking for someone like me, worker, lovely and caring, if u r single or divorced its ok, im not interested in polimarriages, no smoking..

    i would love if u r interested plz contact to me to:



  6. hello, m currently dating a handsoeme n sweet hindu guy, bt rite nw hes in india,,,,,,,,, i met him online and we alredy hv 1 year and 6 mnths of this love??????? bt thers a problem,, his dad doesnt like me therefore doesnt want to help him so he cna to me!!!!!!

  7. "I'm a nice Hispanic girl born /raised in Tx (my mum is from El Salvador and my dad was born in Tx) I love Indian culture, music and dance at least from what I learned online and from Bollywood movies which I know is not all true. But nonetheless, I would really like to meet and even date a nice Indian guy who is serious and not just wants to play around or have "fun" with me. I don't believe in having s*x before marriage. Anyway if you live in or around Houston, Tx and would like to chat email me @"


    Indian guys DO NOT SEND EMAIL TO this Latina because she ACTUALLY does not like Indian guys and just tries to get interests from them. She is RACIST.

  8. Indian guys DO NOT SEND EMAIL TO this Latina because she ACTUALLY does not like Indian guys and just tries to get interests from them. She is RACIST.

  9. ................ DO NOT SEND EMAIL ............... THIS LATINA IS RACIST b***h.

  10. As a Pak-Muslim guy I can say I love Latina girls- and not just for s*x. The best I would say are Mexicans (and i'm not saying that just because I'm seeing one!).  I remember my brother saw this black-haired, light tan-skinned exotic beauty and he thought she was Pakistani- but she was actually a Mexican girl going to a predominantly East Indian school in Toronto!

    My uncle in California actually married a beautiful Mexican girl.  She even converted to Islam and fasts during all of Ramadan. I don't even do that ;-)

    White girls are really over-rated as they are really pale and generally don't age well.  But the Latinas can still look good at older ages.  Now, if they could just keep their figures a bit slender then they would be perfect!!! 

    But in response to attraction to Latinas- with their exotic features, feminity, morals, family ideals- h**l YEAH we are!!!

  11. I'm a nice Hispanic girl born /raised in Tx (my mum is from El Salvador and my dad was born in Tx) I love Indian culture, music and dance at least from what I learned online and from Bollywood movies which I know is not all true. But nonetheless, I would really like to meet and even date a nice Indian guy who is serious and not just wants to play around or have "fun" with me. I don't believe in having s*x before marriage. Anyway if you live in or around Houston, Tx and would like to chat email me @

  12. Most definitley Yes, Im South African Indian, all of my friends and i just love mexican women because of the similar looks and cultures, if i ever visit mexico i dont think leave, just some food for thought, when the spaniards came to mexico back in the day, history backs that they brought alot of slaves majority of them indian, so that explains the similarity..



  13. Hey Guest15596171

    I am east Indian...always attracted to not for s*x...i mean for real relationship. i had been to mexico and elsalvador and worked there for several months..if you are really interested, just email me back to subject "Latina looking for east indian"

    P:S: Even my id is more latin...because i love latinas......

  14. I am a Mexican American who's boyfriend is East Indian. We both have many similarities in morals, religion, education, likes and dislikes. We both have similar visions and goals in life. He is very caring, loving and only lives for my happyness. He is respectful when it comes to saving himself for his wedding night and respecting our relationship. We are currently making plans to meet each others parents soon. You will know if he truly loves you when he is this serious with you. East Indians love their wives and put them first in life. My East Indian tells me he will work to support our household and if i ever choose to work... that money will only be for me. East Indians are soooo special, precious, awwww super cute... if you ladies out their ever have an east Indian fall in love with you....just give him a chance. You will become his inspiration to succeed in life and he will only want to see you smile. I am sooo in love with my East Indian and only dream of our wedding and life together.

  15. Oh for sure we do... i love hispanic women .. i have galfriends friends mainly mexican brazilian and colombian and i seriously love all of them .. they are really fun to be with ...Im indian too.
    Any latin women on this post who live in toronto, I'd be glad to know you.

  16. Yes, Indian Men do like, love, respect and marry Hispanic Women, I am a Mexican/American married to a Hindu for 20 years. We have had a great relationship I was 17 when I met him and he was 31 he respected me and waited till I was 21 to ask me if I wanted to be his girlfriend offcourse by then I was very much in Love with him beacause of his way of treating me, and yes he introduced me to his family little by little. He loves Mexican food and I have learned to love and cook Indian Food. Our marriage has been the unity of two cultures but the two of us have worked on it and Love true Love has no borders!

  17. YESSSSS!!!

  18. h**l ya!...crazy for the Latin/Hispanic beuties...I think they are more attractive than white women...

  19. I am latina and I KNOW THEY DO. I have one who is crazy about me and I am just interested in being friends. I personally think East Indian men are GORGEOUS, I love their food, culture, their sweet ways. They are awesome. I agree with some of the postings. If the man is serious about you, he will wait for s*x and introduce you to his family. It is sad, I like Arabic men more, they are really difficult to deal with :-)

  20. I am latina and I KNOW THEY DO. I have one who is crazy about me and I am just interested in being friends. I personally think East Indian men are GORGEOUS, I love their food, culture, their sweet ways. They are awesome. I agree with some of the postings. If the man is serious about you, he will wait for s*x and introduce you to his family. It is sad, I like Arabic men more, they are really difficult to deal with :-)

  21. i am east indian..... most of the marriages in indian look like interracial marriage... my mother is white and my father is dark...... i am brown skinned.... i don't think race really matters to us.... love is more important to us... But some indian guys do use women of other race just for s*x... you should also be careful.... one good way to know about it is....  a nice indian guy will never urge for s*x, he will be ready to wait even for years.... If he does not introduce to his friends or family that is the wake up call.... these are the two main things you should know to escape from scammers...

  22. I can only speak for myself. I am an East Indian man, and I just LOVE Hispanic women.

  23. Good to kno :)

  24. I don't know any myself that are with hispanic women, but I'm a white woman married for almost 14 yrs to a Patel from Gujarat, with 2 beautiful kids. My husband's cousin (girl) is married to an African-American with 3 kids. So I think the minds of the younger generation of Indians are opening up. We're all one big human family anyway.

  25. yes they do i am married to pakistani men for tens years and he is great. And  and when we were dating i was ask for marriage by an indian guy but i chose my husband who was better suite for me .Nothing against indian men i love indain men just as intermarriage to asian men is happening. i would like to send a positive message to indian or pakistani men who like hispanic women or dating one now to treat her right and slowly introduce friends and family only because of culture differences. you may and you will come across bumps and curves in the road to marriage but  everyday take another tiny step towards marriage because that is what most hispanic women want. they just want to be loved. if you know arrange marriage is in your cards please let her know before she falls too deeply in love.     Good Luck real love will always find a way.

  26. I am a Punjabi male .. AND h**l YE WE LOVE HISPANIC WOMEN.. Race doesn't matter its all about LOVE ... The only thing keeping this world together... We need inter racial marriages and couples so we can all mix and f**k racism up the a*s.. LETS ALL UNITE AS 1 WE ARE ALL 1 PEOPLE.. LUV ALL YA'LL Keep looking beautiful and move FORWARD.. f**k DEM HATERS.. Always remember there's a beautiful world out there..

  27. You cannot generalize everyone, But I am an Indian guy and I have been in relationship with a Hispanic woman for more than a year now. But then again, I am not connected to my Indian roots very strongly. I like Hispanic culture and like every culture, it has it is a mix of good and bad.
    When the right time comes, I plan to marry my girlfriend. I am not talking for other Indian guys with old fashioned parents.

    Race is really not that important, common value, mutual attraction & common interests are some of the key factors that bring two people closer. And their idea of relationship, expectations from a partner decide next step.

  28. I'm 19 and East Indian, and maybe its because I'm white washed but I love Hispanic women..all women :)..race to me doesn't matter. I really don't understand why people care so much. If your hot, you're hot ..and personality matters too for all you less superficial people out there har har.

  29. Indian men are NOT interested in hispanic women for nothing else, but s*x. They -the indian men- will alway marry their own race, or maybe the brave ones who don't obey their parents, will marry a white woman. Never a hispanic. I say this base on my "many" experiences I have had in the past with indian me. Move on if you ever think they will marry you or at leas will take you seriously!!

  30. Well I seriously don't know. I myself being a Hispanic/Mexican women at age 0f 18 am really attracted to East Indian men. I trully love the dark soft skin, dark eyes, and hair which is quite weird because, even though im Mexican, im white with fair skin light brown eyes and light brown sort of reddish hair and  seem to always like the opposite. But i've noticed that East Indian or Indian men are not into me.Which is why ive stopped myself in the search of a perfect indian or east Indian to answer the question I think East Indian men are not into hispanic women. Ive come to a conclusion that they either like their own race of women or American/Caucasian women typical blonde look.Blue eyes and blonde hair, free spirit and moraltiyseems to be what they like. Hope this helps.

  31. Well I seriously don't know. I myself being a Hispanic/Mexican women at age 0f 18 am really attracted to East Indian men. I trully love the dark soft skin, dark eyes, and hair which is quite weird because, even though im Mexican, im white with fair skin light brown eyes and light brown sort of reddish hair and  seem to always like the opposite. But i've noticed that East Indian or Indian men are not into me.Which is why ive stopped myself in the search of a perfect indian or east Indian to answer the question I think East Indian men are not into hispanic women. Ive come to a conclusion that they either like their own race of women or American/Caucasian women typical blonde look.Blue eyes and blonde hair, free spirit and moraltiyseems to be what they like. Hope this helps.

  32. Yeah they do! Im hispanic and married to one. By the way, they make good husbands too.

  33. I'm a Sikh punjabi guy, and yes I do. Yea I know there's always the cultural c**p that come into this kind of thing- but I think if  two individuals really love each other and are sincere- then this shouldn't be an issue. There are cultural similarities though between indian and hispanic- "brown" hispanics resemble us in appearance, the things they call burritos and wraps- we eat the same exact food, only we lay it out flat and break it into pieces to eat along with veggies or meat- and we call it "roti", the Hindus call it "Chappati"- but its all the same thing made of flour. One thing I like about Hispanic people in particular is that they are strongly religious and have strong morals- as an indian guy myself, I can tell you that we are always worried about finding sincere, moral, and reliable women who we can trust and who'll always be there for us...

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