
Do Eco Wash Balls actually work?

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Or are they an expensive con?




  1. Yes i have used them for about two months, you just throw them in the washing machine on 30 degree short wash, results are very good and you save plenty of money on soapowder.


    this is a great place to start

  3. I asked this question last week the response I got was they r ok and that they r rubbish still not sure weather to try them the dryer balls r good so r the magnetic ones but i don't know about the wash ones apparently they ionise the water that's how ur clothes get clean.I did read  if u want 2 b eco friendly ecover detergent is good u can also get ecover softener it is all mad from plants it is also approved by the vegan society and not tested on animals like procter and gamble [don't know if they still do] good luck if u try them

  4. i'm not sure but if they are anything like the eco dryer balls that i have then yes i presume they would work...they separate the clothes while drying enabling them to dry in half the time while the bumpy surface of the balls makes the fabric extra soft so i don't need to use fabric conditioner. i would imagine that wash balls do a similar thing and i would without a doubt give them a go if i knew where they were sold

  5. They certainly do work.  I've had mine since February, the initial outlay was £30 for the balls and you get a 30 day money back guarantee, you simply can't lose.  We are a family of four with 2 young girls who do ju-jitsu and get very messy with outdoor play.  Used along-side eco-stain remover which is about £2.50 for a tube and lasts ages, and ecover bleach in with the whites, (about£2 a box which lasts about a month), the results cannot be beaten.  I also use a magnetic lime scale reducer which means you save a fortune on calgon too.  The eco-balls means that there is no synthetic smell, (if you miss the smell you can always add your fav essential oil to the final rinse) and they also leave no residue on the clothes because you don't need fabric conditioner - this means that ironing is easier and takes less time.  I can't rate them highly enough I've saved an absolutely fortune and will never go back to using detergents and fabric conditioners again.  I also use the tumble dryer balls which give good results, but I dry outside whenever I can.

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