
Do England miss Owen when he's not there?

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i personally think we do, we're far better off with him than defoe any day!




  1. it is not matter having owen or not,...

  2. He was bloody fast probably the best wing forward/central foward England had.

  3. I think england,s problems lie a little bit deeper than owen not been in the team,how about not performing as a team and the fact they have no players in the foreign leagues.

  4. I don't miss the witnessing of horrific leg injuries he's prone to during games.

  5. if owen wasn't made of glass he would be one of the most highly rated forwards in the game

  6. the old owen yes not the currant one.......

  7. I do not think he is as prominent as he was a few years back and he appears prone to injury. Still think that with the right supply of ball he remains the best striker in England.

  8. I can't really see what difference it makes if he is there or not. The English "national team" is a national disgrace with or without him. For too long now the "team" has been filled with the usual bunch of overpaid, whinging premadonnas and with this, I don't see them winning anything significant in the next few years. There shall always be the usual hype about how "world class" they are but in reality they shall always swim in the vast ocean of mediocrity when it comes to anything. Nothing but a bunch of Mr Averages. Mind you, I wouldn't mind their salary considering they do nothing but run around like headless chickens for 90 minutes. Come the weekend, the usual idiotic public shall be full of nothing but praise for usual

  9. owen is not in the good shape so i think he step out and give chance to defoe or maybe crouch. If he really want the place he should play very good for newcastle.

  10. What about Crouch?

    lol England need strikers we know

    but then again what did they win with Owen that they cannot win now?

  11. he's not a great player in terms of on the ball but you cant deny the fact that hes guaranteed to get you a goal a game.

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