
Do English people know that the Welsh language exists and......?

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is very much alive!25% of us speak it,and it is on the increase big time.I am fluent in Welsh and English.Also i think Wales should be indipendant,vote plaid!Rydw in meddwl dyled Cymru fod yn annibyniol ac hefyd rhydd or Saeson.Ni ywr goreuon yr byd yma,ac yn anwedig rygbi.




  1. Welsh language? what's that and what use is it, which country would you use it in (apart from Wales) and if Wales was independant would you expect every foreign diplomat you dealt with was able to speak it? I am sure most of the English would be quite happy if you kept to your valleys, speaking your antiquated language and stopped sponging off them.  You are fluent in English? Are you sure? If you are, please learn to spell.

    Please do not judge the rest of us New Zealanders by Spectres answer, he does not represent us he is just a displaced Scot.

  2. I am from New Zealand and I know there is a Welsh language.  I only know from the old tours where the national teams played clubs during the week and the internationals on the weekend... the good old days are almost dead now.

    I am not much for learning other languages, I know a little French from my time here in Canada but I wouldn't even try to learn Welsh... I will admit right up front that I gave up on it from the first word I saw.  The All Blacks were getting ready to play "Clanethley" (thats how it sounded on TV) and after 50 minutes I still couldn't figure out why it said "Llanelli" on the screen.  

    Took me a while but I figured out after a couple more games that you guys just wanted to annoy England so you spelt everything different.... NICE WORK!  I think you could have confused them just as easily by putting a sign with "WALES" on it with an arrow pointing East.

  3. Every night the English cross the border into Wales and have their way with the Welsh country-women >:-(

    When will the UN do something about this

  4. Yeah but why is it the Welsh only speak Welsh when in earshot of an Englishman?

    I've walked into shops in Wales on numerous occasions & heard the sales assistants speaking English, but as soon as they hear an English accent (my wife's, not mine lol), they start speaking Welsh.

    Rude fu<kers IMO..................

  5. That's great. Have a lollipop.

  6. sadly yes. i am also fluent in language heres a word , it begins with f and ends with off!

  7. er yes the english do know the welsh language exists seeing as everytime a welsh man goes on holiday he feels the need to wear a shirt saying cymru on it

  8. Do you really think anyone in England actually cares? I hate the way welsh people have to always have to make a massive effort to let everybody in the whole world know they are welsh! Its pretty pathetic. Im Welsh myself but cant stand the self-importance of it all.

    Stick S4C up your ***

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