
Do English women secretly fantasize about bearing the Royals children?

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Whenever I see pics of William and Harry they usually have young women smiling at them. Is this because they want to have their children?




  1. So because young women smile at  them means they want to have thier babies?

    Your obviously stupid enough to not know that they are prince's so of course young ladies will smile when they see them.

    It's not everyday you get to meet a prince.

    Since when did smiling have anything to do with wanting a child??

  2. You are joking one of them is Ginger...the royal family have been well hit with the ugly stick...I cant imagine many young women fawning over the royals for anything other than their wealth..

    But after the Princess Di fiasco any one with half a brain would steer clear of the murdering family...

  3. I always thought Prince Harry is such a handsome man *blushes*

  4. Some of the young women probably think it would be nice to marry William or Harry, but some may just be pleased to be close to royalty, without necessarily having any thought of marrying them.  Not everyone wants to be a royal wife, it is hard work and isn't always fun, as Princess Diana found.

  5. no, prob they want david beckham

  6. no, not me personally anyway.

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