
Do Epilators hurt at all??

by  |  earlier

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thinking of buying one but what are the advantages and does it hurt!?




  1. yeah they do especially underarms even with the little attatchment, you have to go over the same area a few times to get all the hairs too

  2. Yes.

    Answer? :)

  3. yes imagine 20 peaple with tweezers pulling your hairs out 1 by 1

  4. To me -

    It only hurt in one small spot (but I had a bruise, maybe that's why?)

    I liked the way it felt, that's why I use it every now and then.

    To others it may hurt, it depends on the person, and where you're using it.

    It may not grow back at first, but it doesn't always pull it right out.

    It breaks the hairs, et cetera.

    Gets annoying as well ~ having to double check over. But I mean if you don't grow your leg hair out long (yeah people actually do this but it's their choice) it won't be a BIG problem

  5. Ouch at first they really hurt, but apparently you get used to it and it becomes less painful, like plucking your eyebrows i suppose.

    The advantages are you will only need to redo every 4 to 6 weeks, similar to waxing.

    I gave up after the pain of my first time tho!!!

  6. Yes...they hurt a lot! And they leave a lot behind too.

  7. YESS

  8. They are the creation of Satan!

    Ohhhh they are vile, they hurt, not unbearable (almost) but enough to make your eyes water.

    Also i have tried a few all promising to hurt less! They do leave a lot behind you need a good 30 mins i think i each leg and then it leaves some. You need to keep at it and catch the hairs at the right time in the groth cycle etc.. so to me its not worth the hassle.

    But if you really want to try one i would say but one from QVC because if you find it does not agree with you you have 30 days to try it and send it back.

  9. I looked at this and thought 'hairs a good question to answer'

  10. Have a look at

    You could try electrolysis.

  11. that thing hurts like h**l..and the hairs come bak like in a is not worth the pain..

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