
Do Europeans breastfeed longer than Americans?

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What is the median age in America and what is the median age in European countries?




  1. It actually depends on climate, and food availability. I've read that some children of the Inuit (Polar region), are commonly breastfed until age 5 or more...

  2. A recent study of postneonatal mortality in the United States found a 25% increase in mortality when infant were not breastfed.

    I would say the median age is six months because that is what UNICEF is recommending.

  3. I live in Texas (USA) and I breastfed my youngest son for 4 years. He is now 25 and he is the healthiest child I have. He never gets colds or flu or cavities or anything. I wish I had been able to breastfeed my other 2 as long.

  4. Whatver th difference in medians (if any) would be dwarfed by the variation in each group.

    Americans breastfeed for a wide range of times, from not at all, to a coupl of years or more (in a few cases). I'd imagine it's th same in Europe -- though, in many countris, as they are CIVILIZED, it's probably easier for women to breastfeed and do so for longer, without becoming homeless or starving to death.

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