
Do FEMINISTS secretly wish to make MEN jealous of WOMEN?

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Listening to some feminists talk, sometimes I think they are so jealous of MEN that they feel the need to make men jealous of women.

Don't believe me? EXAMPLES:

-Women boost about pregnancy and how "men could never tolerate the pain" (All animals give birth! You want a metal?)

-Women boost about their "superior communication skills" (If womens communications skills are so "superior" why is it that 70% of men still can't figure out what women want?)

-Women boost about living longer than men (This only started after modern medicine and has more to do with lifestyle than gender)

-Women boost about being "more mature" than men (Yeah... they are more mature based on THEIR OWN STANDARD of maturity... which views female behavior as the "standard" pssss...)

-Women boost about being emotionally stronger (HAHAHAHAH!!!)

What do you think? I want your opinions... do feminist really want female SUPERIORITY?




  1. Well, most women have some sort of inferiority complex when it comes to men.  And that's only natural, since men are superior in physical strength and we have better logic skills.

    I think that radical feminists hate being inferior to men.  In other words, they hate being women and they hate men because we indirectly cause their complexity.

  2. I don't wish to make men jealous of women; I would just like them to be respectful and not harm them.  If you have jealousy issues that is one you.  

    Yes all animals give birth, no we don't want medals, but do you really think you could do it?

    I don't think all women have superior communication skills; however individuals in touch with emotion do communicate better.  What does that say about 70% of the men that they can't understand women?

    Lifestyle is something obviously to do with gender; more women decide to take better care of themselves.

    What is your standard of maturity posting silly questions on Y/A?

    You don't think women are emotionally stronger then men on a general basis?  Men until now have never really been taught how to deal with emotions.  Before emotions were just for girls.

    So that is what I think.  That is my opinion, and no I do not want superiority.  I just want respect.

  3. no i think they just want respect, it is kinda like every part of society that is not white male has to struggle, i think it takes a lot of pride

    but really child birth is not easy, don't look down on it til you have been there,

    i think women talk more

    we do live longer, my mom says it has something to do with the missing part of the Y chromosome... but honestly it might be life choices, and i think that would make them more mature... right

  4. Actually they simply want women to snub disrespectful loser guys who are nowhere in life and want only respectful acceptable guys everywhere in life.

  5. Feminists have no interest in making men jealous of women; that is petty and would simply reverse an already incorrect and damaging paradigm. Feminisms (because there are many types of feminism) are discourses that advocate equality between the sexes and advocate for women’s rights because women have been and continue to be oppressed by certain aspects of a male generated system.

    As for your ideas:

    1. Not all animals give birth; most female animals give birth.  And, no, we don’t want a medal, but we do want recognition.  Though men may not understand, giving birth is difficult mentally, physically, and emotionally.  It is a big deal and we want other to recognize and celebrate this. Celebrating someone else’s achievement does not lessen your own.

    2. Not all women boast about superior communication skills, though many studies show that female children communicate more readily and more clearly than their male peers. However, it is hard enough to know what you want for yourself, let alone guess what someone else wants. I think you are referring to communication in relationships, and this guessing game works both ways.  Your girlfriend/wife may want you to know what she would like as a gift, but don’t you expect the same? I know that my husband would be as disappointed if I came home with a novel for him as I would be if he came home with a new tech-toy for me.

    3. Women do live longer.  Actually, a recent Harvard study showed that menopause may be a reason.  The lifestyle thing usually involves people aged 15-24, a time in life when many young men are apparently reckless and unthinking.

    4. I am not even going to address the other two because I don’t feel they are relevant.  As I said, most feminists are not interested in setting up another binary in which one gender is placed above the other.  Men and women have similarities and differences.  Why can’t we celebrate those?

  6. I don't know about jealousy but most feministic women do definitely have some inferiority feelings and this is why they need to boost themselves up by deprecating and abusing men.

    I'm not putting those women down, they have a lot of bodily problems to contend with and I'm just making an observation.

  7. I'd prefer it if men could get pregnant as well; that would save us all a lot of debate over reproductive rights.

    Communication skills should be determined individually.

    Who wants a long life, anyway? It's just a couple extra decades of s__t.

    You're not doing much to prove that your maturity surpasses ours, Mike.

    See above.

    Feminists don't want female superiority. We don't want to make men jealous. But we don't want them to look down on us, either, and the women you're describing are making that very difficult for us.

  8. I doubt this was anyone's  goal but if you feel this way then it sounds like you are jealous of women.

  9. Feminists are not jealous of men.  We just know that things are not fair and just, and a lot of men won't admit that they unfairly have given themselves the lion's share in the world.  Times are changing and men are having a harder time dealing with the fact that women are as good as men and we deserve a fair deal in places like employment and pay.

    It's been the guys who have convinced themselves that they are superior, but it's all just b.s. and when they see women can pull the weight, the men accuse women of wanting to be superior.

  10. These butch d**e women are extremely jealous of men.  They are just trying to copy us.  We should be flattered.

    BTW.  I can tell that you are really a woman-hater.  So am I.  I heard there were a lot of g*y woman-haters in this section.  E-mail me, and I will get you into some chat rooms and send you some free hot man on man p**n!!!

  11. i think so

  12. No they don;t want female superiority. Your paranoia is showing again. Women are not usually jealous of men any more than men are jealous of women. And feminists do not strive to increase jealousy. However, they do want to highlight the stereotypically female good qualities which are very often ignored (stereotypically men are described as "doing" and women as "being", and women more negatively, which fuels a lot of these social inequalities between the genders)

    BTW most comments of these types are in response to men claiming they are more intelligence, physically stronger etc. Plus, longer life is because of testosterone (or lack off) along with other factors. If you cut of your balls before puberty, you two would live longer than other men (on average) - it's not greatly advisable, however. Plus, it would be logical to say that *if* all women had greater communicative skills and men had lesser skills men wouldn't understand well - communication involves receptive and expressive abilities. And male animals almost never give birth.

    Things like spatial abilities and communicative skills (used by both sides of the debate) are overall generalisations, not true for every individual.

    NB: People say quality vs quantity of life as if it was a choice. It's usually not, and definately not mutally exclusive. And considering the alternative could be nothingness, I'd personally like to enjoy this world for as long as possible, just in case it's all we've got.

  13. Do antifeminists secretly want to turn the planet over to Cthulhu?

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