
Do FSO's have any special travelling benefits?

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Does the US government grant them any special benefits, such as upgrades on airlines, etc...?

And I was told that in Iraq, they aren't allowed to leave the embassy? If they aren't allowed to leave the embassy, do they live in the embassy?

And I know FSOs fly on commercial planes, but do ambassadors also fly on commercial planes?




  1. All FSOs fly on regular airlines, in regular seats.  If the entire flight, including transit time, is more than 14 hours, we are allowed to fly business class.  Ambassadors are allowed to fly business class to and from the country to which they are assigned, but not at other times.  We are required by law to fly via American carriers or code shares, so there are very little of the comforts of Singapore Airlines and the like available for us.  And, of course, when US carriers are targeted by terrorists, we're aboard just like you are.

    In Iraq, there is very little leaving the Green Zone, which includes the US embassy, housing (little trailers), most Iraqi government buildings, and other protected interests.  The Green Zone is big, but it's not freedom.

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