
Do Filipinos abroad take a shower/bath every day?

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just curious




  1. Religiously. Twice a day, whether it's freezing below zero or a 53°C+ hot. Cleanliness is the best policy for a wookiee. =))  

  2. yes of course... do you know that filipinos will take a bath 3x a day? hehehe

  3. What is shower/bath? Sorry i can't answer.

  4. I was in Washington DC  last winter, and I didn't deviate from my usual practice of shower/bath morning and evening. It may be freezing cold outside but inside the house is warm.

  5. gees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2x a day!

    do you take shower everyday? or wash yourself acouple of times a day?

  6. are you nuts? what u thinking.

  7. it's a must 'cause if you stink, you violated the company's regulation and policy

  8. Y ur indian/arab husband are not? u do too a like?

  9. no, it is to cold, we don't sweat abroad.

  10. at least 2x a day - same thing we did when we were in pinas - once in the morning and again at night before bedtime.  old habits die hard.

  11. Despite protestations by many, and accusations of "Liar! Liar!", I do take my daily rituals of ablutions.

    Here in Riyadh during these hot months,  the water could be scalding, and I am not talking of water coming out of the water heater tank.  I am talking of water coming out of the tubes.  Normally, water tanks for homes in the city are located up the roof, and gets heated up by the terrific sunlight.  In our villa, we have both reservoirs underground and at the rooftop.  Whether it comes from down or up does not really matter.  They both would scald you if you dare to open the shower getting to noontime.

    That is why I store water in "timba" inside my airconditioned room, and then use "tabo" to take my daily rituals.  During winter / icy cold weather,  I do the reverse.  Heat up the water with this coiled heater (cuz the water heater tank is more often than not out of order) and then mix it up with the icy cold water coming out of the faucet.

    There are days, though, when I wake up late and run straight to the office and forego the ritual,  but for sure compensate later in the day.

    It is not really to look good or smell nice.  It is a necessity for survival here.

  12. Summertime, yes, sometimes twice a day.

    Fall/Spring, yes

    Wintertime, mostly on really cold days (use hot water) and before going to work. You never get stinky enough and the cold makes you lazy.  Showering often in January will make your skin so dry it literally cracks.

  13. I do not take a bath everyday. I take a shower twice a day, 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening.

  14. This really depends on whether the Filipino in question is in a country with a climate like Dubai or Alaska.

    I always spend some time in Oslo, Norway every now and then to visit family... and the answer (at least in Scandinavia and London) is no, Filipinos do not need to take a bath every day, but only when it's winter (end of October to last week of March. Change of underwear everyday... yes. Underarm wash and deodorant everyday... yes. Showering / Bathing is only necessary every other day. Unless there's a really important reason to have it 2 days in a row like a party or a date.

    To those who think this is kinda gross... try taking a bath everyday when it's negative 10-20 degrees celsius outside. The hot water and indoor heating won't stop you from shivering. Another reason is because the human scalp and skin looses a lot of it's moisture and natural protection from dryness when shampooed / scrubbed everyday and during winter the air is extremely dry. And besides, when it gets THAT cold and with all that snow, there is no dust in the air and people don't sweat at all, things that really help to maintain a fresh feeling longer. But during the summer time when the temperature hits as much as 30C, I sometimes shower twice a day... like just an hour ago, I had my second shower of the day.

    Now I don't know much about the caucasians in Oslo, but I doubt they shower every other day... it's more like every 3rd day.

  15. whether it's hot or freezing, I still take a shower everyday...

  16. Depends on the individual, not his/her race.

  17. Doesnt everyone?

  18. I do, the red and blue switch turns accordingly when the weather turns icy or fiery. The A/C and heater is there for comfort when I step out of the shower.


    Ooops, not 365 days in a year. Sometimes on my day-off I sleep all day and make wisik-wisik only when I get up. Save the shower for the next day =))

  19. thats for sure

  20. definitely yes

  21. Yes.

    My teacher said, when she was taking graduate studies in Spain, that she and her co-teachers took a bath everyday even in freezing winter while the Spanish people took a bath once a month. The Spanish people would always warn them they might catch cold.

  22. How well do you like them to be>>>??? Definitely Yes!

  23.   I can only speak for the few women that I know, and the answer is definitly yes !

  24. I do...just the thought of things stuck to my body and my hair grosses me out.

    Hygiene, people...hygiene!!!

  25. yes

  26. You base weather people take a bath every day or not because of their race. It depends on the person, them self, their lifestyle & the way they grow up.

    Although I do believe that most uneducated people, people from the mountain areas of the Philippines do not really take a bath every day, especially the women. Just like my cousin, she's from Car car, Cebu, Philippines and she believes that if you take a bath when you have your period, you'll go through menopause early.

    But, I, myself take a bath everyday & most people I know do in fact take a bath everyday.  

  27. Yes and No.. Here in the US, when you say bath, it means lying in the bathtub, under the water, usually with lots of bubbles AND shower means water coming out of the shower head to you while ur standing up.

    So when you ask people, not only Filipinos, if they take a bath everyday, of course the answer is no. Your skin will age prematurely if you take a bath everyday in the winter because the air is dry and water is very hot.

    This is how Filipinos in the Philippines get the misconception that "foreigners" do not take a bath everyday. (Because nobody really does!)

    Most people I know (in the office, church, school, etc), no matter what race, shower everyday, a lot of them more than once a day, no matter what season.

  28. yes, even if it's winter time!

  29. I am a chef.Everytime before i am reporting to my duty and everytime i finish my job in the kitchen  i took shower.I worked in North europe with negative 10 degrees down and we still manage to do the same like when we are working in Caribbean.There are some nationalities that they don't care about their personal hygiene.But for Filipinos it is part of our culture.

  30. 2x a day for medical profession, before and after work.


    do you??

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