
Do French people like Americans.What about Brits,do they like British people?

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I think only French sould answer this question




  1. Hum I have no problem with the Americans...And do american people like the Frenchies ?

  2. I have dual US and French citizenship. Personally I don't think a generalization can be made about this sort of thing. Not all French people feel the same way about Americans or British people, for starters. And there are people in France who would say that they like the Americans they've met, but not their president. I for one have observed much more France-bashing here in the United States than the reverse when I was living in France a few years ago; it's all relative. As for Britain, with a few exceptions (there are stupid people to be found everywhere), I would say that its rivalry with France is mostly limited to football (soccer) and rugby fields these days, and that's a good thing.

  3. Since newly elected French president Nicolas Sarkozy took office on May 14th, the French love Americans. Sarkozy is an admirer of the American system and has close ties to those on Wall Street and in Washington DC. As far as the British, the French put up with them in a sibling sort of way.

  4. I, like David above have both French and American citizenship's.  When I speak French I have an obvious English speaking accent.  When in France, when young people hear me speak, they ask me if I am from England; the French have a hard time telling the difference between the different accents English speakers use.  When they ask me they often look a little suspicious, but when I tell them that I am from America they brighten up quick.  

    In general the English have a bad reputation in France, but Americans are shown a certain amount of curiosity and respect.

  5. I was living in USA for several years.

    And main differences I can tell about between French and American people is that Americans are more opened to talk to unknowns peoplen and try to be friendly.

    French people would be more cagey with people they don't know begin to tell about his life.

    Another thing is that, in every country you cannot generalize people, in each country you will find some smart people, nice people, dumbs and rednecks.

    And in France like in USA, you will find out some differences according to the region

    And about English people, that's an historical rivalry that remains from the hundred year's war (1337-1453).

    So we like to criticize the english for what they are and what they do, and they like to do the same thing about us.

    I would use the sentence "Je t'aime ... moi non plus"  "I love you ... nor do I"

  6. Can you rephrase the question? I am not sure I understand what you are asking.

  7. well the first thing about the French is that they like themselves first. And even then it is not really true as they hate each other according to where they live: Marseilles Vs Paris, as a matter of fact eveybody hates the Parisians :-)

    I am french, from Paris and Live now in NYC.

    If you are cool and do not behave like you just conquered the country people will not care and even be friendly sometimes...

    And as they say, stupidity is not a question of nationality :-)

  8. I know some american people: they are nice.

    I don't hesitate to speak in english (even if my accent is not so good) and to help them if they need some help (in France).

    But I hate your f****** administration.

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