
Do g**s Have a higher incidence of AIDS than straight people?

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This article from Yahoo seems to say so.

Should this be taught in the schools?

Is it hateful to teach our kids that this "lifestyle" can be dangerous?

NEW YORK - New data shows New York City residents are contracting the virus that causes AIDS at three times the national rate.


The city health department said Wednesday that almost 4,800 New Yorkers were infected with HIV in 2006. That number represents 72 in every 100,000 residents, compared to a national rate of 23 per 100,000.

The figures pinpoint when people became infected with the virus, not just when they were diagnosed.

Health officials attribute the city's relatively high rate of new infections to its large populations of g*y men, blacks and other groups on whom HIV has traditionally taken a heavy toll.

Assistant health commissioner Dr. Monica Sweeney says the figures underscore the continued need to promote HIV testing and prevention.




  1. yes they do especially guys.

  2. Nope.

    I dont get why people always say being g*y is bad because of AIDS...

    When straight people can get it JUST as easily.

    And what about all those OTHER STDs that they get

    Are they not dangerous or something?


  4. The problem is behavior not sexuality.

    Is it hateful to tell people that HIV continues to be a danger -- a danger that can be prevented -- and then give them a list of rational choices -- such as SAFE s*x -- no, it isn't.  Oh, wait -- ALL OF THE SCHOOLS I  KNOW OF ALREADY DO THAT.  


    Ah, I see what you want -- you want the groups where much spread in this country takes place mentioned don't you?  -- that would include -- let's see, from your article -- g*y men, African Americans -- oh, sorry, the article -- oh, no -- didn't see that, the ADVERTISEMENT that you quoted didn't use the polite phrase, instead, it said "blacks" -- but I think I'll stick to African Americans.  So, you want children "warned" that being African American or g*y increases their risk, even though of course, it is the type of s*x that people are having, not who they are having it with that causes the risk...


    Yes, I think it is hateful to lie and start out by telling people that something intrinsic to people is a "lifestyle" -- being g*y is, like it or not,  not a lifestyle, it is not a choice -- it is a reality.  So of course is being African American.  

    Both of your examples from the apparent ADVERTISEMENT you quote are disgusting examples of prejudice -- and yet, even this article/advertisement notes that the Assistant Commissioner of Health, Dr. Monica Sweeney said... what....?  That the figures underscore the continued need to promote HIV testing and prevention -- the very things GENERALLY OPPOSED by people who also want to scare kids into not having s*x.  Further, it is one of the articles on this report that did not also note that Dr. Sweeney went on and ... "These findings show that the stigma of homosexuality can be harmful to people's health," said Dr. Monica Sweeney, Assistant Commissioner. "Because of the fear and discrimination that still surround coming out, we are missing opportunities to stop the spread of HIV." Not I suppose, the message you wanted to share.  

    So, Answer man -- do you support including knowledge of the highest risk groups in a given area (already provided in our schools in the North east, btw) to a curriculum that teaches safe s*x as a rational and realistic alternative to abstinence?  Or do you just want your prejudices against people of African heritage and homosexual inclination pushed, under the false mantle of being a form of protection for kids?



  5. No.

    Since g*y people do not practice risky behaviors to a greater degree than  straight people, they do not have a higher risk of AIDS. This is only told to people due to outdated information and prejudice.  

  6. its the other way around...and there been an increase of hiv and aids among the lation/hispanic races....yeah i know its sucks but its a fact. been hearing it all over the news.

  7. NOPE!

  8. Sounds about right to me. The article doesn't come off as hateful in my opinion.

    Traditionally, AIDS HAS taken a greater toll on g*y men and minorities, In the US. Of course that doesn't mean straight people don't get AIDS, it just means that certain groups are affected more and at greater risk. Worldwide though, women account for 50% of all AIDS cases.

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