
Do Germans agree with this''Germans are the most American Europeans''?

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if u are a german pls answer me if u think that your people are the most americn from europe(don't think about the texans,lol)




  1. well, i'm only half-german. yet, i consider my one half to be german enough to say: absolutely not.

  2. No, I don't agree. From what I've seen of various European countries (I'm German but have done my fair share of travelling), I'd probably say that people in Poland come closest to the kind of American mentality I've come across most often: focus on traditional  family values, very patriotic, a strong believe in capitalism and letting the market regulate itself rather than regulating it, a strong focus on Christianity, especially by politicians running for office.

  3. i don´t think so.

    We "copied" a lot of the american lifestyle, but i think, we are we, not somebody else.

    Greetings from bavaria.

  4. I am an American living in Germany for the past year. I've also travelled to other European countries and I can tell you from experience that Germany is the most like the US. Whether they want to admit it or not, they've taken in a lot of American culture. Whereas places like Barcelona feel completely foreign to an American, cities in Germany (for example Cologne) feels more like being at home.

  5. It's fact that 25% of caucasian american have german roots, so no wonder there are still some similarities.

  6. i'm glad thats not the case....

    and i'm german/american (!).... born 'nd raised in berlin....

  7. not at all ..

  8. YES, I AGREE.....actually I would say that Germans are more AMERICANIZED than the Americans themselves.

  9. ´´YES, I AGREE.....actually I would say that Germans are more AMERICANIZED than the Americans themselves´´

    not true..point

    unfortunately our culture was influenced by US american culture cause after World War 2 our culture almost died and we werent so happy to be germans

    for me one of the most important point in every day life is that we dont really have the US american superficiality

  10. nope i dont think so,there are  european countries that seems more americanized than germans e.g poland and the netherlands

  11. No, we don't.

  12. If you take tx out you must also take the Bavarians out.

    Greetings from Hamburg, Germany


  13. Germany is one of the European countries the most similar to the United States. But of course England (which is already culturally close to germany) is more due to the language.

  14. NO WAY! I have German friends and they think that American's are lazy!

  15. I am not actually from Germany, but I had a German exchange student living with me for the past three weeks.  I would say this is a pretty correct statement, although not entirely.  One thing that he told me it that in Germany it is really "cool" to use American words.  Now some of the more modern vocabulary is actually American.  (ex. Shoppen means to shop)

  16. I don't think that Germans deserve this insult. Germans are responsible and considerate. They are peaceful and hospitable. I visited Germany many times and I liked it very much. People were offering help without me asking for it. On the contrary, America is not hospitable, but hostile and discriminatory. In America you are screwed if you are a Muslim! Your flight could be cancelled and you could possibly be put in jail if you were caught speaking Arabic in the airport. They will treat you worse than n***s used to treat Jews. Of course I dont mean the American people coz most of my friends are American and they are very friendly. I'm speaking about the officials who treat us as potential terrorists. I believe that Germany is way better than the United States.

    PS: I've a little advice for Americans: Please try to be more German!

  17. If you can make a statement like that at all, it has a lot of truth in it. I would agree.

    I like your added comment. It's weird since many of the founding fathers were German.

  18. What an insult

  19. I never hear about it and also I don't feel that way.

    Why are you take the TX out? You don't like TX ?

    Me No No No.

  20. Yes I think it's true. Before I traveled to the US for the first time I had traveled only within Europe and expected the US to be even more different from Germany than the other European states. But I was surprised how similar the way of the people, lifestyle and general values really are. In some places espacially smaller cities it really felt like beeing in Germany. What was really different was that Americans seemed to drive around all day in their cars so I often was stunned by the emtiness in the streets. And in general they drive a more relaxed style.

  21. They have the same problems of being brainwashed by media and politicians.

  22. I'm not German but I've been livin in germany for a long time now and i definitely dont think they are, they pretty much try to be everythin but like us!

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