
Do Germans mind being being called "Krauts"?

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Do they? is it an offensive term to them? If they do mind being called it, what other nicknames are appropriate?




  1. About as much as Brits like being called Limeys, I imagine.  

  2. How stupid are you?

  3. Would you like being called Cabbage? (actually it means herb - but in this context is a shortened form of Sauerkraut - pickled cabbage). Like Bosch, Hun, Fritz and Gerry, they are all ethnic slurs from a time when people had good reason to be offensive. Nowadays it is safest to avoid risking offense, and refer to them as 'German', and don't mention the war.

  4. I think "Krauts" is just such a stupid word you hear in american movies more often then on the streets in Germany!

    I do get mad if someone calls me Brunhilde and thinks its funny...... I just hate that name !

  5. i'm german and for some weird reasons i don't find k***t to be offensive/insulting

    i even think it sounds funny i mean every country has their own stereotypes

  6. Some of you guys are jerks just call them by there name

  7. I have no problem with being called a k***t. Of course, if you call anyone names you should consider the risk that the person might be offended, but it much depends on how you say it. The same as if you call an American a yankee or a Frenchman a frog.

    And I do like to eat Sauerkraut, for that matter.

  8. It was a nick name given to them for eating sauer k***t ( boiled salted cabbage ),it is not an offensive term ,its just a short nick name .One of my german friends asked me to call him  k***t,as all his friends do.HE was,nt bothered by it,as he said," whats in a name "?.

  9. Jerries sounds appropriate.

  10. The same case like Japan sushi, Italian spaghetti, France banguet, Chinese dumpling, India curry, German sauerkraut,  English breakfast, American junk food..........better than no food.

    For information, sauerkraut is not only typical for Germany but also Austria

  11. What other names are appropriate ?

    Other than k***s......... What about "Masters" since we've been sold out to them by our treacherous Prime minister and that other little Marxist c**k Milliband ?

    They didnt even need to fire a shot this time.

    Well done New Labour.

  12. The Hun, The Bosch, call 'em what you want.

  13. k***t is definitely derogatory and insulting.You should refer to Germans as Ubermensch.

  14. just call them Germans

  15. its alright yank...

  16. It´s not very kind, but it´s still better than to be called "n**i".

    I also heard Turkish and Bosnians say "Kartoffel" (potato) when they were talking about Germans.

    Actually "Sauerkraut" isn´t the national dish in whole Germany.

  17. Yes, we do. It is like calling an Afroamerican the "N..." word. Just stop nicknaming people for good. It might make feel you better, but it is not worth offending others. Respect always starts with giving correct  names.

  18. Stephan, calling a German a k***t is nothing like using the "n" word, so stop trying to be a victim. Maybe you should just call them Germans.  

  19. Does it matter? Aparently we are called tommies to them.

    nothing wrong with a bit of banter.

  20. You know, actually I hate when people refer to Germans as "Krauts", "n**i's"(especially that one gets me ticked off) or whatever else they have in mind. It is offensive and not polite. And I do not accept those words in my presence either. I can get really nasty about it.

    Would you talk to black people with dropping the "n-word"? Would you use the "s-word" when talking to Hispanics? - Yeah, I didn't think so.

    If you don't want that people use those kind of words on you (whatever words there are for an American, something like "Yankee" maybe?)

    then don't use it on them.

    Just call everybody by there appropriate nationality and there won't be any problems

  21. Yes they do!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. Yes, just call them human grizzly bears since they have no manners.

  23. I think they prefer "Leftists".

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