
Do Germany really have Beer fests?

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Pleasse i need this today!!!! My paper is due!!




  1. Being Germans, they do! There is another one in Stuttgart.

  2. Yes, but mosty in Bavaria.  Oktoberfest is in Late September but mostly for tourists.  Where I live they celebrate many occasions

    a beer fest. There is Oktoberfest, Starkbierfest or Maibock, Pfingstfest, Waldfest, Seefest, and Herbstfest to name a few.

    Starkbierfest or Maibock, is a special time in the spring where the breweries brew a special strong beer for a short time.  Pfingstfest

    celebrates the Catholic Pentacost.  Waldfest is put on in local

    towns in the summer, wald means Forest.  Seefest is also in Summer in towns with a lake,  see means lake in german.  Herbstfest is much like oktoberfest but in the local towns.  It

    celebrates the end of the harvest.  In Bavaria they call oktoberfest,

    Wiessen.  Hope this helped!

  3. Yes, in my town it's called a Bier-Boerse and all kinds of differents beers are offered during that time...from light to dark, German to foreign...people are out on the street tasting different beers, having's a great Beer-fest!

  4. Yes, each village celebrates in its own manner. Like in OctoberFest here ,they dress in costumes and enjoy.

  5. I just watched Beerfest on DVD last night.

    Beerfest is a secret!

    No one knows about it, and if they do, they don't talk about it!

  6. yes but they dont call them beer fest and its not like they have it in the movie beer fest

  7. you can rest assured this is something germany is famous for, every october in MUnich they have the biggest and worldwide famous beerfest you can imagine!! been there lived there, the entire, southern germany at that time of year, and to some degree northern too, all towns have their own, but they call it schutzenfest !!

  8. Yes it's called Oktoberfest

  9. you bet

  10. kinda....all the towns have a yearly festival which usually lasts for about a week....when i lived in KAssel it was called Stadt fest and was held around may/june every year..had everything, live bands, games, lil shops, and many many many beer stands, but me being the clever American i am brought my backpack full of 0.5 becks and enjoyed the festivities all night long

  11. Ja!

    p.s. Vee ask the questions here!

  12. Yes.

    Perhaps you should consider starting your homework a bit earlier and doing a bit of real research rather than asking silly questions at the last minute in public forums.

  13. Yes!! Oktoberfest for one.

  14. Yes the Oktoberfest is held in late September.

    Oktoberfest is a two-week festival held each year in Munich, Bavaria, Germany during late September and early October. It is one of the most famous events in the city and the world's largest fair, with some six million people attending every year. Other cities across the world also hold fairs, modeled after the Munich event, also called Oktoberfest or Bierfest.

  15. Well after you get an A on your paper, you should apply to the University of Munich, they actually have a massive degree program in beer making...It is part of their life and is not that big a deal to them.

  16. There are no beer fests.

    There are October fests though.

    Throughout the World Cup there were also Fan fests.

  17. Germans has beer fests every single day. They like to drink their beer. October fest is the big ones and is every year at the End September until mid October, in Munich.

  18. If you're talking about the movie Beerfest, then no... I don't think so. If you are refering to Oktoberfest (which is actually in September) then yes. It is a celebration to celebrate the end of the harvest after a long summer of hard work farming. There is a plethora of beer, and variety of foods (beets, potatoes, sausages, cabbages, etc.).

  19. Yes, but not like the movie.

    Aside from Oktoberfest, the most famous one (which actually takes place in mid-September), there's a big international beer festival in Berlin every year:

    There are also lots of regional wine festivals.

  20. yes. some of them are called  kirwas. I have been living here 15years now.

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