
Do Girls Care ??????

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Im 15, I Have Stretch Marks On My Stomach And My Biceps Because I've Been Losing Weight Pretty Fast. Do Women/Girls That Are Dating Me Care If A 15 Year Old Have Stretch Marks ???




  1. If you don't care about my, i won't care about yours.LOL!! But as long as i like you, things like that won't even matters and i probably won't even realized or remember that you have stretch marks. If I like you, it's for who you are, your flaws won't matters. It's a very shallow girl to care about stuff like that.  

  2. I don't think I would care as long as you were staying healthy and trying to be fit...I have stretch marks on my b***s and I haven't had any trouble finding guys who want me, so I don't know why you couldn't find a girl who wanted you.

  3. no, not at all, how would we know? its not like u wear a bikini. (u dont, do u? jk)

    If yeah wanna get rid of them just use aloe vera. Good for any kind of marks. Like blemishes, burns, stretch marks, ect...

  4. a lil thats kinda gross

    but believe it or not just about everygirl u come across has them somewhere on her body its different for everyone

    most people have them, i have them

  5. It's great that you have been losing weight.

    Some girls care about such things and some won't.

    If you care, you can apply Vitamin E cream or other creams tat will help to reduce them, you can find it in any phamarcy.

    Good Luck!

  6. ummmm, no. not unless they're REALLY gross. then someone MIGHT take issue with em.

    Why are you capsing everything?? It's a bit weird.

    Oh! and congrats on the weight loss! [it WAS the good kind, right?]

  7. i wouldn't give a ****. i mean i'd be curious as to why you have stretch marks if i didn't already know.

    but  other than that it seems relatively OK.  

  8. No, you might as well give up on girls. I did long ago and live as a hermet now.  

  9. Only if they are really shallow, so if they care they aren't really worth dating, are they?

  10. Dont wanna sound super shallow, but yes:/

  11. No are you serious...85 percent of woman have stretch marks...LOL even people who are never fat can have stretch why would we care...but you can use bio oil to help it....

  12. i dont think so but if youre self conscious about it then just use  Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula, Massage Lotion For Stretch marks

  13. The RIGHT girl won't care at all.  And would you really want the wrong girl?

  14. when i was 13 or 14 i lost some weight and had some stretch marks too...noone seemed to care and i certainly had no trouble getting dates!!

  15. I'm almost 13 and I have some smalls ones on my thighs because I grew like 3 inches. Personally, as long as they're not all that bad, I wouldn't take it into mind. Now, if they're BAD bad, you might wanna put some cover-up or something if you feel the need to. There are procedures that can get rid of stretch marks.

  16. I personally don't care.  If someone is dating you at your age(s), I'm sure she'll be into YOU and not just your body.

    Ps. I'm 30.

  17. Yes, they do. Do you care if those stretch marks are on a women/girl?

  18. No~most don't care but if you come across one that does then forget her and find someone who accepts you for how you are.  

  19. Depends on the girls personaltty

  20. not at all. stretch marks are normal, so many ppl have them and they will fade to a white silver colour with time

    dont stress :)

  21. No that's just shallow people who only care for looks.If you have a great heart or even a nice personality to make up for the stretch marks and can treat the girl right then who cares how you look!

  22. No I wouldnt, and they shouldnt either. And if they have a problem with it then why would you want to date someone like that anyways, its not all about looks and stretch marks should not determine if your date-able or not, its personality that really matters, and looks are just an added plus. :)

  23. no. my boyfriend has them too and i don't care about them at all. I care more about him.

    I love him just the way he is

  24. not if its coz of muscles, if its coz of fat than ew. but if they care, then theyre obviously shallow anyway so you shoudnt care about them!

  25. it matters wat type of girl you are dating all girls are different we all dont have the same mind

  26. IF she does care than she's way to shallow! IF not, hold onto her, she's a keeper.

  27. Just as in pretty much everything else when it comes to opinions, some will care and some will not. Chances are she wont notice for some time (unless you prance around shirtless a lot) and by that point, she's not likely to be bothered by something so superficial.

  28. 15 year old girls can be pretty harsh, but don't fret. There's always people out there who are willing to accept you for who you are. Just keep looking for them, and don't be concerned if it takes you a while. You've still got a lot of time left to find a great girl!

  29. No, I'm 14 and I have little stretch marks on my stomach and b***s so I don't really care. It's good that your trying to stay healthy. Also, if it really bothers you, theres that cocoa butter or shea butter cream you can get. I heard it works good.


  30. no and if it was because you are losing weight its fine and if someone asks just tell them about it they could find it attractive

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