
Do Girls Shiver after Peeing, or is it Only Guys?

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Do Girls Shiver after Peeing, or is it Only Guys?




  1. I shiver in   excitement if i see a guy  peeing.Im a women who loves it.Its sooo s**y to see a  guy pee!!!!

  2. Hello, I'm a 14 year old boy, and yes this happens to me 70% of the time. It's perfectly normal, some doctors think it is the body using the same muscles as an o****m does, so basically it is not even classifyed as an o****m,just a muscle spasm. Others however believe that it is because of the body loosing heat, so it shivers to get back up to temperature, the first makes sence to me, since it is harder for girls to o****m, and their o****m muscles are hard to trigger, or never used.

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