
Do Girls like a boy that is shy.?

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  1. No i dont. I like a guy that is just as loud and crazy like me =] lol i love to party and have fun so i need a dude that will keep up.  

  2. i think shy guys are HOTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. yeah they do but not all of them but i do

  4. it depends on the girl

    i know i LOVE shy, sensitive, emotional guys

    i just cant resist them XD

  5. long as he can open up and be himself afterwards...;...

  6. It depends on the girl. I once had a shy boyfriend and I loved him, but he ended up being really clingy. That wasn't because he was shy though...

    Anyway I would say it's probably about half and half. The problem with shy boys is we sometimes don't notice them.

    Perhaps you could try making some girl friends?

  7. it all depends on the girl some girls hate guys who are quiet and dont talk much and some guys who r shy dont have good confidence if a guy is 24 yrs old and is quiet in school would girls like him probably not  

  8. yes they do. Most girls like shy guys best.

  9. I do sometimes, but mostly not.  I like them to be more outgoing normally.

    But that's just me.  I'm sure lots of girls would rather have them shy also.

    Hope I helped! Answer mine?

  10. ya sure...i do

  11. It depends on the amount of shyness :)

    If you're absoutely terrified around girls - then that's too much.

    If this is the case, I'd recommend trying some public speaking courses - it'll help you learn to have more confidence in yourself in public.

    If you're a little nervous - well we all had to start somewhere right??  

    Nothing's sweeter than seeing someone blush when they're a little shy.  It shows that you're pure of heart. And THAT's attractive to a girl!

  12. yes, but they cant be to shy

  13. for me no

  14. yeah but not to shy or they freak out trust me i'm a girl and don't hang out with any other girls it brakes our hearts and be certain that she loves you if she keeps smiling at you when your not looking and when you are she would tuck her head down and look at you from the top of her head to hide the smile and when you gone she would go back to smiling

  15. Every girl, likes a different type of boy, some like quiet boys that have a mysterious feeling to them, whilst others like boys with lots and lots of confidence, but i think most of all, girls like boys for being themselves.

  16. at first it's okay for the boy to be shy but as they get to know each other the guy will open up more.  

  17. oh, I have the same question, I'm very shy.

  18. Some do, some don't.

    I like shy guys, though.

  19. yeh but he still has to make the first move :P oh and the second and the next im too shy to do that

  20. it depends really..

    if your too shy then no

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