
Do Girls like this......?

by  |  earlier

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Alright me and my girlfriend were making love and i asked her " do you want a facial" and she did not seem sure but then said yes. After I gave her the facial she just laughed and smiled and went into the shower. MY QUESTION IS do you think she liked it or hated it based on her reaction and do you think she would like it again? -For all you kids-, This is not like a spa facial i mean something else.

Thanks pplz =p




  1. ASK HER!!!

  2. ask her...

  3. It doesn't really sound as though she liked it, maybe she was just doing it to please you. She shouldn't do it for those reasons, but everyone's reactions are different; maybe she said yes because she was curious and wanted to know what it was like, and ended up not liking the result.  

  4. personally... i would hate it!

    but i guess some girls like it lol

    just ask her.. talk to her..  *shrugs*

  5. I was confussed at first, no one i knows calls that a facial.. Anywho all my friends either dont let there boyfriend do that or have and hated it. Some do it just to please them, instead of asking her if she liked it say. hun i wont do it if you dont like it

  6. I agree you need to ask her.  Maybe she did not know what you meant and was laughing because she was surprised.  Or maybe she was laughing because she liked it.  The only way to know it to ask her.

  7. Instead of asking us, why don't you ask her?  If you and your girlfriend are having s*x and the like, you need to start communicating about what you like and don't like.

    Some women (I say women because girls are children and children shouldn't be getting facials) like facials, some don't.  But in order to find out, you need to talk it over with her.

  8. Personally, it would make me puke;

    I know some girls who don't mind it at all;

    I know some who kinda like it;

    I know of one girl who LOVES it (She yells at him if he misses!)

    Your girl sounds a little more timid than that.

    My guesses would be:

    (a) She doesn't really like it much, but doesn't want to disappoint you

    (b) She doesn't care either way and will let you do it if you want but doesn't particularly like it

    (c) She's embarrassed to tell you she did like it

    Sorry; might not help much, but this is a very individual question. We can't answer it for you!

  9. Just ask her. There will be some girls who like that thing, but some don't. You'll never know what SHE likes until you ask her.

  10. Why don't you ask her if she enjoyed it?  All girls are different and you will never truly know unless you ask her.

  11. Ugh my boyfriend does that to me and he always ask do you like it? :P I mean i don't really care, but Its a little awkward having "a facial" So you try to laugh it off. I don't hate it nor do i love it.  

  12. Ask her if she liked it...

    i would kick  ym bf if he did it to mean.. i wouldnt appreicate it at all.  

  13. Personally I find it disrespectful. If you have been with someone for a long time and want to try new freaky things, then fine, but if she's a fairly new g/f, she probably didnt love it.

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