
Do Goldfish have to be kept by themselves?

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One person told me they do but i want different opinions, will they bully others? Somebody told me to take it out of my tank but i've had in there for a long time now and its been completely fine with my other fish. Also i dont think it will get too big because its not one o those huge bubble eyed goldfish its only about 3 inch. long and has been that way for a while. also what temp do they need to be? does it always HAVE to be cold? cuz i have mine with the other fish and i have it at a fairly cold temp, its not like its freezing but its pretty cool. please answer! thanx!




  1. Goldfish are social; they may bully smaller fish but are generally not aggressive.  They are 'cold' water fish in the sense that you don't need to keep it heated, they do fine at room temperature.  It doesn't mean you have to keep it refrigerated.

  2. You can put goldfish together just not with other species of fish. Goldfish give off this chemical that is toxic to other fish. Thats why the water gets this oily look to it after awhile. The more goldfish you have in a tank the more often you'd have to change the water so that oily toxic doesn't build up and eventually kill the fish.

  3. SIDE NOTE: the poster is currently keeping this goldfish with a gourami a "alge eater" and a group of tetra...ALL freshwater tropical fish!

    poster is NOT talking about keeping this goldfish with other goldfish!

    goldfish are fine with OTHER GOLDFISH! or Koi (but koi need hundereds of gallons of water!

    they cannot be kept with TROPICAL fish as tropics require a HEATED tank.

    "cold" water means they need to be kept in a tank room temperature or cooler, they will not do well in temepratures over 70 degrees, whereas tropical fish need mid 70's to stay happy and healthy...

    just because hes "small and doing ok" doens tmean your doign the right thing by keeping him that way...

    ALL goldfish will grow large if they are getting the right food AND are kept in correct water parameters...Fancy goldfish (the rounded body wiht long downward flowing tails are the same as bubble eyes, lion head ect and will grow to a body depth of 8+ inches and up to 12 inches long!

    commets and shubunkins (longer torpedo shaped goldfish will grow anythign from 18-24 inches long when in the right conditions...

    if your goldfish isnt growing its because hes not being kept in the correct environment...

    if the tank doesnt have a heater your goldfish will be fine, but the other fish (a gourami and tetra) will NOT do well becaus eitll be too cold for them...their metabolism will slow as they enter "winter mode" they will eat less and less and it will run their system down.

    keeping fish in incorrect environments is like making a dog spend its entire life in a tiny cage or making you spend your ENTIRE life living IN the ocean!

    its cruel and doesnt provide the fish with what they need to thrive...

  4. If you have a large enough tank for the fish to grow, swim around, and eat, they are fine.  Goldfish are fine in the same tank so long they have room.  I had four in a fishbowl for four years and just gave them to my friend because they are not allowed in my apartment.  

    When I was living at home, we had beta fish, and those will definitely kill each other if they are in the same tank.  

    The temperature varies for the type of fish you have.  Usually, water temp should be a bit cooler than room temperature, but double check what your fish require for optimal survival and balance it out for all fish if different ones require warmer/colder temps.  

  5. If its doing fine then what's the problem. btw i used to refrigerate my goldfish if it wasn't feeling so good. Most of the time it would work. Didn't try the fancy goldfish tho.  

  6. i think goldfish can be with other gold fish.

    i think the other fish are more likely to bully the gold ones!!

  7. Goldfish can be kept by themselves or with other fish.  Just like people you get some that are bullies and there is little you can do when you get one that is.

    BUbble eye goldfish only get to be around 6 inches, most fancy's rarely get over 6-7 anyway.  Comets get to be 12 inches and commons up to 36 inches.

    Your water should be around 75 degrees.  SLightly higher won't hurt your fish either just not in the 80's.

    There are a number of fish that make good tank mates for goldies that are cooler water species.

  8. Fantails are great together, comets and commons with fantails are not so good because comets and commons are faster swimmers than fantails so they compete for food and tank space. I keep my goldfish tank cool, so it is fine. I keep my tank at 76 Fahrenheit you should get athermometerr. good luck!

  9. It really depends on the fish. When I was 7, I won 4 fish at the fair, one of them killed the other 3. He's still alive...

    But I have another goldfish, he was my 8th grade science teacher's fish. He's big enough that my cannibal fish can't eat him. Goldfish are usually okay with each other, but I guess some of them have fishy personalities...

    And they don't have to be in cold water. Obviously they can't be in HOT water, but room temperature is actually perfect.

  10. The reason why goldfish should be kept seperate is not because they bully but because of what they do to the water. They create large amounts of amonia. Most other species of fish cannot handle high amonia levels. You can always get different types of goldfish. There are many color and size variations that would create a beautiful tank. I believe that bottom feeders like cory cats and Plecos can handle the amonia but you might want to ask a sales person at a petstore to be sure. As far as I know, their water temp can be room temp. They are one of the easiest to care for because they are very tough fish. If you add a tetra or a molly to the tank you may begin to see casualties.

  11. No way. As long as their tank is big enough they shouldn't bully each other. The only reason that they would bully each other is if the tank is overstocked. The general rule is 20 gallons plus 10 gallons for each additional fish.

    All goldfish grow to be at least 6 inches. Fancies are 6-8 inches at maximum size and commons get to be 12+ inches.

    Goldfish like 68 degrees.  

  12. okay ive had gold fish before

    and ive had three in the same tank

    the water usually stays cold by itself


  13. I have had 4 fish in one tank before, and they were fine. I think it helps to have a large tank for more fish.

    I currently have 2 goldfish, the same kind as you, in a medium sized tank, and they are fine together. Sometimes one chases the other around, but they don't hurt each other.

    I usually have my water a little bit cooler than room temperature.

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