
Do Gore and his band of simpletons have the hubris to think that we are more powerful than nature?

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Glend B-you don't think much of God do you. I guess you weren't present for religious instructions.




  1. They like to play God.  For millions of years, the Earth has evoloved.  Species die out, and new ones appear.  It is a natural cycle of evolution.  Just as liberals think they know what is best for each and every American, they also think they know what is best for each and every animal.

  2. You mean like pollution being bad?

    Uh...I hate to tell you this, but it is.

    Do you honestly think it's good?


    You am radio whackjobs are really out there.

  3. I believe you people want him to be president. That is why you judge him so much. Get over him.

  4. We are. As we speak nature is being bent and molded to man's liking. Just look at an average lawn and you'll see what I mean. Though there are occasional setbacks (like the floods in the midwest) it won't be long before we learn to control even the most violent aspects of nature as well. We can already tell when and where nature will strike. Give it time my brethren, soon man's glory will manifest itself upon the Earth and reach the darkest corners of the universe. Gore is just one of many, nothing special about him, he's just another agent of mankind's struggle for supremacy over the elements.

  5. When we look at our rivers, at our forests, at our endangered animals, our food being polluted how can anyone think what we're doing is OK.

    If you believe in the Bible (which I don't) God said the next time the earth is destroyed we will do it ourselves.....and we are.

  6. Chemistry is more powerful than God.

    And pollution is CHEMISTRY you  fool.

    What I "think about God" isn't the point of your question. The point of your question is how powerful is the damage mankind is doing to the environment, to our water, to the air we breathe, to ecosystems, to the soil that our food grows in.

    It's science. It's chemistry. It's not a political issue.

  7. It's no thanx to people like you that the world is how it is

  8. Apparently, yes.  Foolish.  But, you know?  Gore(and all of us, too) will die and Mother Nature will just keep on goin' like she always did, undeterred.

  9. 1.  Al Gore is now a private citizen.  2.  He and other concerned people are working to reverse the damage humans have done to our planet, to restore earth's natural resources and balance.  3.  We need to wake up and see how we are poisoning our own environment.  What have you done for Mother Earth lately?

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