
Do Governors actually have to make yes and No decisions?

by  |  earlier

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Or can they just be present?




  1. Yes, on their income tax deduction forms.

  2. They either sign a bill into law or veto it

  3. The have to make actual decisions, not just talk about what they think should happen.

  4. You are confusing the executive branch with the legislative branch.  A governor is basically just like a 1/50 scale version of the president.  They command the state's national guard.  They commute sentences.  They veto legislation.  The state legislature can override them.  There are slight differences though in each state.  

    Presidents and Governors execute laws and command people to action, Senators and other legislators make laws, and vote on on them.

  5. Well they can, no they can't, well they might.

    Ah heck, present.........

  6. yes they do, a governor not only runs the state, they are also in charge of the national guard and military in their state. the make the same decisions at the state level, that the president does at a national level!

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