
Do Guinea piggys jump?

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if so do they jump high? i don't have a proper Cage but a big tot to store clothes in, its clean, but i figured i could drill some large holes in it and into the side (smaller ones on the side so he cant bite to git out) if you have any cage ideas that would help alot to.

thanks a million guys!




  1. Not only can they jump rather high for their height, they can climb and chew.  A plastic bin is really not a proper cage.  I suggest talking to your parents and asking them to purchase you a proper cage.  

    You could make a deal with your parents that you do some certain chores to ofset the cost.  Maybe suggest washing the dishes all week, cleaning the garage or ask them what they feel is reasonable.

  2. hi i know i have a stupid name , blah bla bla.

    well yes piggies do jump but not very high its more of a leap as if hey were getting kicked. n cage ideas sorry

  3. I would rather my guinea pig live in a giant plastic bin that a small pet store cage! Pet store cages are to small! Yes guinea pigs can jump, but if you put some mesh over the top and make it so you can unhook the sides and take it off to get the pigs out! Remember, 7.5 sq. feet for 1 pig, 7.5-10.5 for to and so on. If you want more info, go here.-

    Also, when this species of cavy(Guinea pig) lived in the wild, they where herd animals. So domestic cavys still cary the herding instinct and doso much better in pairs or small groups. So do not keep one pig by themself, thay will always be shy and not very happy.=(

    If your plastic bin it at least 7.5 sq. feet ande yyou can add a lid to it, get 2 pigs! Also, it is a myth that male pigs fight! If a new male is introduced to a males cage, they may fight a little bit, but it will not last.

  4. I've seen my guinea jump ALL the time, on his house, on his second floor, and he jumps when he is spooked. I had to look all over for a new cage for my guinea, because the one we had was getting to small. So i looked and i finally fond one, i hope u find a good cage for him, good luck!

  5. Your guinea pig needs a cage made for guinea pigs. But if you looking to make your own try this

    Yes, Guinea pigs can jump.  
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