
Do Guppies Eat The Fry?????

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  1. To be simply put, yes they do. In rare cases I have found that some parents do not, but it should never be taken lightly. If you want the fry to live the best option is to move them to an aquarium with a sponge filter. If that's not optional you will need a plant like java moss to keep the fish safe from their hungry parents.

  2. if by fry you mean baby guppies, then yes they do. You need to keep the babies in a separate tank until they are bigger. you can buy small plastic tanks that float in the aquarium, and have slits in the slide to let water through so they have fresh water.

    and be careful with guppies, they breed faster then rabbits.

  3. yes they will eat the young, try placing a pregnant guppy in a breeding trap so that when she gives birth the babys will be safe or fill the tank up with weed .if you plants lots of weed the babys only need a few days and then they are fine

  4. normaly yes

  5. While they're small enough to fit in their mouths? Of course! It's the case with most omnivorous and carnivorous fish. Anything that they can catch and fit in their mouths, most likely, they'll eat it.

  6. Yes they do but if you have plenty of plants and hiding spots in your tank some of the babies usually manage to avoid being eaten and survive.

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