
Do Guys Do this Also?

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How come plenty of highly attractive women are quite insecure? It annoys when I meet a woman with a hourglass figure complaining how their b***s are not big enough, their waist is not small enough, their hips & butts are too big. These chicks for the most part aren't even fat. They have the Marilyn Monroe figure that attracts men. I'm flat as h**l, I'd kill to have a body like that. Do guys with 8-inch private parts and killer abs complain about their bodies also? Are good-looking men insecure also?




  1. i have insecurities also like my abs and biceps but i don't complain...i know i can actually improve it but it's just that i don't have enough time...

  2. I'm not good-looking, I don't have an 8" p***s, and I've never had abs.  I'm insecure as h**l.

  3. many men are also insecure about thier bodies, but in a different way. where women usually complain about too fat or **** too small, men complain about not big enough physic and too big gut.i personally believe it is tied to the human desire to improve everything and the laziness that stops the doing and starts the complaining...i am speaking as a man, and  i realize that men can't make their ***** grow and women have no control over breast size....

  4. It's the new generation. Boys are becomiung insecure about their looks.

  5. Yeah. They just don't ***** about their insecurities as much. They try to fix them or deal with them. They don't go crying about it to everyone and all their friends fishing for compliments.

  6. many men are but mainly about penises

  7. I would consider myself a good looking guy (from what many others have said) and to be honest I can't really complain that much, but I am still a self concious person. I can't really explain why but even though I'm in great shape, I'm just not comfortable taking my shirt off in public places like a lot of other guys are. It takes alot for me to strip in front of someone.

    I have a 7 inch p***s, not huge but definetely between average and large. But I'm not one of those guys that will just whip my privates out for a laugh because I would feel uncomfortable being exposed like that. I think a lot of that has to do with how you grew up and how comfortable you are being naked in front of people.

    As far as my looks go, even though I think I'm pretty good looking, there are always things about myself that I criticize. For instance, I'm kind of small 5'7" 135lbs and would much rather be 6'2" 190lbs. I'm a little on the skinny side and look much younger than I actually am. So I've always found it difficult to talk to girls my own age and always have it in the back of my mind that they wouldn't be interested in me.  

  8. only if someone brings out the defects but if no one complains or i already got with a girl in bed i could care less usually they are satisfied so every thing ends up all right
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