
Do Hamsters make good pets? What kind of cage do you recommend?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so right now I have 2 rats that i love to death but they are getting old and will only last probably another 2 months or so :( I'm starting highschool in about a month and would like to get another pet when my rats are gone. But I want a pet thats not hard to take care of and doesnt need like, 2 hours of out - of - cage a hamster! Do they make good pets? Can you give me some info on types of cages that you recommend? Thanks!




  1. hamster are very good pets in my opinion and a glass cage would be wonderful

  2. Hamsters are good pets! I have one and I love him soooo much and he is sooo sweet!  Hamsters are not really hard to take care of but you they can be really hard if you don't handle them right! I would recommend wired cages. I would do some research on hamsters before you get one though! (if you get one!

  3. they make great pets for all animal lovers and children can keep them but not in their room. As Hamsters are nocturnal and will keep children awake. You need a plastic cage for dwarf hamsters as they escape from barred ones.

    Plastic ones are still better for preventing them from escaping

  4. I dont find they make great pets, they are prone to biting and are nocturnal.

    read the link about them its good and  honest

  5. Glass or metal wire cages, also, (i'm sure you know) but if you use cedar bedding, you cant have it in a glass cage.  Respiratory, blah blah..

    I have had 7 hamsters, all were great pets, since you have experiance with rodents, you should have no trouble at all.

      Hamsters do like to go about in a ball etc,

    3 of mine would come on command for a treat., they are great pets, and if you get a syrian or however it is spelled, you need only get one.

    some of the other ones like a companion.

                  I dont reccomend the plastic tunnel type,

    they are hard to clean

    they can break, or crack and pinch the hamsters feet in the cracks.

    the hamster can (will) escape.  I have no clue as to how, but mine always got out of the tunnel cages, regardless of how careful i was.

    thats about it.

  6. I recomend a 10 gallon or 20 gallon tank.

    a tank with all tubes and etc can easyly break and the hamster could get out. thats what happened to my aunts hamsters (one was dead when she found them and the one died when my aunt put him back in the cage)

    Poor hamsters. It was not my aunts fault it was the cage!

  7. yes they do.. and if you can find one, depending on the size, get a 15-20 gallon tank.

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